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It is by no means unusual for the manufacturer of Parr's Life Pills to sell twenty to twenty-five thousand boxes of these salutary pills in a week, and they are taken for constipation by this one, for diarrhoea by that one, for fever, weakness, and all possible ailments.

There was a light in his eyes like that in a wounded animal's; and although he was thin and slight, he had the concentrated power of desperation. "Say, what church do you come from?" he demanded. "From St. John's," said the rector. "Eldon Parr's church?" Hodder started, in spite of himself, at the name. "Mr. Parr is a member of the congregation." "Come off!

Eldon Parr's pew was filled, Everett Constable's, Wallis Plimpton's; and the ushers who had hastily been mustered were awestricken and powerless. Such a resistless invasion by the hordes of the unknown might well have struck with terror some of those who hitherto had had the courage to standup loyally in the rector's support.

As for Hodder, he was not only undergoing a certain shock through the sudden contact, at such a moment, with Alison's brother: there was an additional shock that this was Alison's brother and Eldon Parr's son.

"Old Parr's never seen any elephant but a tame one, unless it's a pink or speckled one with a brass tail climbing up the wall of his room when he's got D.T's. He never went out shooting in the jungle in his life. But you ask Payne or Reynolds or any of the chaps on the other gardens who know anything of the jungle."

'Thank you, boy: here's Parr's health, and Whiter's. 'Who is Whiter? 'Don't you know Whiter? I thought everybody knew Reverend Whiter the philologist, though I suppose you scarcely know what that means. A man fond of tongues and languages, quite out of your way he understands some twenty; what do you say to that? 'Is he a sound man?

Witness 'Old Parr's Life Pills. Sell by the thousand, Sir, when my 'Pills for Weak Stomachs, which I believe to be just the same compound, never paid for the advertising." MR. CAXTON. "Parr's Life Pills! a fine stroke of genius. It is not every one who has a weak stomach, or time to attend to it if he have. But who would not swallow a pill to live to a hundred and fifty-two?"

Even this last revelation, of Eldon Parr's agency in another tragedy, seemed to have no further power to affect him. . . Nor could Hodder think of Alison as in blood-relationship to the financier, or even to the boy, whose open, pleasure-loving face he had seen in the photograph. A presage of autumn was in the air, and a fine, misty rain drifted in at his windows as he sat at his breakfast.

He was dazzled by the brilliancy of your success, inspired by a civilization which gave such opportunities. He recognized that he himself had not the brains for such an achievement, his hope and love and ambition were centred in his boy." At the word Eldon Parr's glance was suddenly dulled by pain. He tightened his lips.

"Well Hodder didn't give you any intimation as to what he intended to do about that sort of thing, did he?" "What sort of thing?" "About the inside of Eldon Parr's cup, so to speak. And the inside of Wallis Plimpton's cup, and Everett Constable's cup, and Ferguson's cup, and Langmaid's. Did it ever strike you that, in St.