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She avoided him and, moving away, seated herself in a chair at the opposite side of the desk. The avoidance was so obvious as to be almost brutal. Captain Elisha looked very grave for an instant. Then he changed the subject. "I was lookin' at your oil paintin's," he said. "They're pretty fine, ain't they? Any of them your work, Caroline?" "My work?"

Th' man that has a machine that'll tur-rn out three hundhred thousan' toothpicks ivry minyit'll sind over his inthrestin' device, they'll be mountains iv infant food an' canned prunes, an' pickle casters, an' pants, an' boots, an' shoes an' paintin's. They'll be all th' wondhers iv modhern science. Ye can see how shirts ar-re made, an' what gives life to th' sody fountain.

"Pretty snug, ain't it?" continued the captain. "Not exactly up to that I've been luxuriatin' in lately, but more fittin' to my build and class than that was, I shouldn't wonder. No Corot paintin's nor five thousand dollar tintypes of dory codders; but I can manage to worry along without them, if I try hard.

Josiah told me that mornin', with a encouraged look onto his face "Samantha, after we've seen all the ile paintin's we'll go somewhere, and have a good time." "But good land! see all the ile paintin's!" Why, as I told him after we'd wandered through there for hours and hours, sez I, "If we spent every minute of the hull summer we couldn't do justice to 'em all." And we couldn't.

"I might have known you were Joshua Ward when I noticed all those cats," said Parker. So this was Colonel Gideon's brother! He was too weak and ill to feel or display much surprise at the meeting. "Most every one hereabouts has heard o' me," the old man admitted, mildly. "Some men have fast hosses, some men have big liberies, some men like to spend their money on paintin's an' statues.

I guess I'm not up to hand paintin's. Enlarged photographs are about my size." "You're disappointed, then?" "Well, yes, I don't know but I am. I didn't think it was going to look just that way. Mr. Congdon says blue shadows are under anybody's ears in the light, but I can't see 'em on the Captain, and I do see 'em in the picture; that's what gets me twisted.

"No barber runs me," he declared. "You stand up for me when that townhall paintin's to be done and I'll work hard for you now, Cap'n Whittaker. 'Lonzo Snow's an elder and all that, but I can't help it. Anyway, his place was all fixed up a year ago and I didn't get the job. A feller has to look after himself these days."

A man has to make a three-ringed circus of himself to keep his name before the public these days." "What are you fightin' for this time, sir?" asked the sailor, who had not heard that war had been declared "ile paintin's or pyramids?" "I am going to free the people of the East from the oppressor," said Napoleon, loftily. "And it's a noble work, your honor," said the sailor.

But I only wanted to let Josiah Allen know my cast-iron determination to not be put off another minute in payin' my devours to Art. He see it writ in my mean and didn't make no moves towards breakin' it up. Only he muttered sunthin' about not carin' so much about ile paintin's as he did for lots of other things.

The sumptuous hotel saloons, with $10,000 paintin's and bricky-brac and Oriental splendors gets off easier than a shanty on the rocks, by the water's edge in my district where boatmen drink their grog, and the only ornaments is a three-cornered mirror nailed to the wall, and a chromo of the fight between Tom Hyer and Yankee Sullivan.