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"P'litical trouble?" said Berry. "Wal, Marse Hesden, yer knows dat Berry is jes too good-natered ter do ennyt'ing but wuk an' larf, an' do a little whistlin' an banjo-pickin' by way ob a change; but I be dinged ef it don't 'pear ter me dat it's all p'litical trouble. Who's Berry ebber hurt? What's he ebber done, I'd like ter know, ter be debbled roun' dis yer way? I use ter vote, ob co'se.

No philosophy worth a damn ever came out of excesses of love. Salt Lake City Piggott Ag Agapemone again no works to matter." Everybody laughed. "Got to rec'nise these facts," said my assailant. "Love and fine think'n pretty phrase attractive. Suitable for p'litical dec'rations. Postcard, Christmas, gilt lets, in a wreath of white flow's. Not oth'wise valu'ble."

I had thought my speeches successful; but at the latter place, taking the cars next morning, I heard a dialogue between two railway employees, as follows: ``Bill, did you go to the meetin' last night? ``Yes. ``How was it? ``It wa'n't no meetin', leastwise no P'LITICAL meetin'; there wa'n't nothin' in it fur the boys; it was only one of them scientific college purfessors lecturin'. And so I sped homeward, pondering on many things, but strengthened, by this homely criticism, in my determination to give my efforts henceforth to the new university.

I should think there's a matter o' five hundred, as near as I can guess." I ejaculated "Nonsense!" "Don't you believe it's nonsense, sir," he answered. "They're as thick on the ground as rats in an old rick, sir. P'litical prisoners most of 'em is, sir; Eyetalians, mainly. Of course one doesn't value that kind o' rubbish much. They're foreigners, sir, every man Jack of 'em.

Blount left the door open and went to get his coat and hat. "Who is the man?" he asked, while the officers lingered. "A felly named Gryson. He's been working in the railroad shops what times he wasn't pullin' off something crooked in the p'litical line." "What is he wanted for?" Blount was closing his desk and preparing to leave the office.

I ever and always thought that asthronomy was the hardest science that was till now, and, it's no lie I'm telling you, the same asthronomy is a tough enough morsel to brake a man's fast upon, and geolidgy is middling and hard too, and hydherastatics is no joke, but ov all the books ov science that ever was opened and shut, that book upon P'litical Econimy lifts the pins!

"Oh, by the way, what are 'ructions'?" inquired the guest of supercilious temperament. Washin'ton, D.C.?" "Certainly." "P'litical centre o' the United States of Ameriky?" "Why, yes." "An' you don't know what ructions be!" Loud laughter greeted this sally; only the man who had been in California sat moody, his basilisk eye fixed upon me.

Entering the building he found Farrington sitting behind the counter writing. He looked up as Stephen entered, and laid down his pen. He was affable to all now, for election day was but a week off, and he needed every vote. "Raftin' all done, Steve?" he asked as he handed out the mail. "Yes, all finished," was the reply. "Ye'll be to the p'litical meetin' to-night, Steve, won't ye?"