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The most disconnected witness knew had known for weeks the causes of offence, and the prisoner, who naturally was the last of all to know, groaned in the dock while he listened. The one question that the trial circled round was whether Raines had fired under sudden and blinding provocation given that very morning, and in the summing up it was clear that Ortheris's evidence told.

There had been a royal dog-fight in the ravine at the back of the rifle-butts, between Learoyd's Jock and Ortheris's Blue Rot both mongrel Rampur hounds, chiefly ribs and teeth. It lasted for twenty happy, howling minutes, and then Blue Rot collapsed and Ortheris paid Learoyd three rupees, and we were all very thirsty.

Even Ortheris's heart sank at the end of the seventh day, for half the regiment were out scouring the country-side, and Learoyd had been forced to fight two men who hinted openly that Mulvaney had deserted. To do him justice, the colonel laughed at the notion, even when it was put forward by his much-trusted adjutant. 'Mulvaney would as soon think of deserting as you would, said he.

'Happen there was a lass tewed up wi' it. Men do more than more for th' sake of a lass. 'They make most av us 'list. They've no manner av right to make us desert. 'Ah; they make us 'list, or their fathers do, said Learoyd softly, his helmet over his eyes. Ortheris's brows contracted savagely. He was watching the valley.

Ye cud say nothin' to help me, an' yet ye niver knew what cause I had to be what I am." "Begin at the beginning and go on to the end," I said, royally. "But rake up the fire a bit first." I passed Ortheris's bayonet for a poker. "That shows how little we know what we do," said Mulvaney, putting it aside.

Even the dialects they speak dialects which used to be enthusiastically spoken of as masterly achievements of realism are ludicrously false to life, as a page of Mulvaney's or Ortheris's talk will quickly make clear to any one who knows the real thing. But with what humour the stories are told! Mr. Kipling does undoubtedly possess the genius of humour and energy.

There was flags an' banners wavin' high, an' dhress and shtyle were shown, But the best av all the company was Misther John Malone. John Malone. There had been a royal dog-fight in the ravine at the back of the rifle-butts, between Learoyd's Jock and Ortheris's Blue Rot both mongrel Rampur hounds, chiefly ribs and teeth.

Will, you'll remember thin, Jack, how we an' the Tyrone met wid a bang at the bottom an' got jammed past all movin' among the Paythans. 'Ow! It was a tight 'ole. I was squeezed till I thought I'd bloomin' well bust, said Ortheris, rubbing his stomach meditatively. ''Twas no place for a little man, but wan little man' Mulvaney put his hand on Ortheris's shoulder 'saved the life av me.

"Ah; they make us 'list, or their fathers do," said Learoyd, softly, his helmet over his eyes. Ortheris's brows contracted savagely. He was watching the valley, "If it's a girl I'll shoot the beggar twice over, an' second time for bein' a fool. You're blasted sentimental all of a sudden, Thinkin' o' your last near shave?" "Nay, lad; ah was but thinkin' o' what had happened,"

Well, you'll remimber thin, Jock, how we an' the Tyrone met wid a bang at the bottom an' got jammed past all movin' among the Paythans." "Ow! It was a tight 'ole. I was squeezed till I thought I'd bloomin' well bust," said Ortheris, rubbing his stomach meditatively, "'Twas no place for a little man, but wan little man" Mulvaney put his hand on Ortheris's shoulder "saved the life av me.