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I may not come out ahead; but I'm not going to lose out from taking a foe for a friend." "Which you will kindly explain?" "You are Grace Noir's friend that explains it." "I am your friend, too, Fran." "My friend, too!" she echoed bitterly. "Oh, thanks also!" Abbott came through the gate, and tried to read her face. "Does the fact that I am her friend condemn me?" "No just classifies you.

For the professor was, of course, poor, working for five francs a lesson to private pupils; and a much more modest sum for class lectures such as those which Georges attended. But all this mattered nothing to Georges. He went gladly the very next Sunday to Dr. Le Noir's, and there he met the professor's daughter whom you have seen.

Le Noir's natural grief was over we settled down peaceably to our country life at the Hidden House " "The Hidden House!" again exclaimed Traverse Rocke. "Yes! that is another odd name, isn't it? Well, I was very happy.

After telling me of his feats with a freedom which chewed her exemption from vulgar prejudice, she informed me that she wished her cousin to live in the same house, and had already obtained M. le Noir's permission, which was given freely. "M. le Noir," added the fair Lambertini, "will drop in after dinner, and I am dying to introduce Count 'Sixtimes' to him."

She knew Grace Noir had gone to the city with Robert Clinton, and yet her feeling on seeing Hamilton Gregory alone, was akin to surprise. How queerly lonesome he looked, without his secretary! There was something ghostly about Grace Noir's typewriter it seemed to have fallen into Fran's power like an enemy's trophy too easily captured.

Goodwill's man, he's very thick long of Davy Hughs, Colonel Le Noir's coachman. And Davy he told Tom how one day last month his marse ordered the carriage, and went two or three days' journey up the country beyant Staunton, there he stayed a week and then came home, fetching along with him in the carriage this lovely young lady, who was dressed in the deepest mourning, and wept all the way.

Early the next morning he went to the tent of Captain Zuten and requested to see Private Traverse Rocke, in whom, he said, he felt a warm interest. The answer of Colonel Le Noir's tool confirmed Herbert's worse suspicions. Touching his cap with an air of exaggerated deference, he said: "As you think so much of the young fellow, Major, I am very sorry to inform you, sir, that he is under arrest."

"I should think it was, excessively so! Well as the master of the house is away, be good enough to present me to the mistress?" "What mistress? There is no mistress here!" replied Dorcas, looking around in strange trepidation. "I mean the young lady, Colonel Le Noir's ward. In lieu of any other lady, she, I suppose, may be considered the mistress of the house!" "Humph!

"Pooh! leave off etiquette when we are alone, Traverse, and call me Herbert, as usual. Heaven knows, I shall be glad when all this is over and we fall back into our relative civil positions towards each other. But what is the matter now, Traverse? Some of Le Noir's villainy again, of course." "Of course. But I did not mean to complain, Herbert; that were childish.

Herbert Greyson had been correct in his conjecture concerning the cause of Colonel Le Noir's conduct in absenting himself from the trial, or appearing there only in the person of his attorney. A proud, vain, conceited man, full of Joseph Surfacisms, he could better have borne to be arraigned upon the charge of murder than to face the accusation of baseness that was about to be proved upon him.