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The watch, knowing Peter to be a wild, half-witted drunken fellow, gave little heed to his discourse, and so far they were from crediting it that they turned him out of the watch-house, and bid him get about his business. In the morning old Nisbet's lodgers not hearing him stir at his usual hour, went to the door, and there made a noise in order to awake him.

Nisbet was disengaged, and arrived about 9.20. His host was not quite dressed, I am sorry to say, even at this late hour. During breakfast nothing was said about the mezzotint by Williams, save that he had a picture on which he wished for Nisbet's opinion.

The blush which Dorothy paid as tribute to this subtle innuendo came near to rivaling one of young Nisbet's celebrated performances in the same line. "You're making fun of me," she said reproachfully. "I, my dear? not the least in the world. It's all as true as the gospel according to St. Valentine.

All too soon came the hour when Gerrard stood on the dilapidated landing-stage at Naoghat, and waved farewell to his travelling companions, after receiving Nisbet's urgent directions to send on at once any despatches that might arrive while he remained there, and Cowper's parting request to give his compliments to the old Habshi.

He urged Nisbet not to go in the boats, on the ground that his mother should not run the risk of losing both husband and son in one night, and that in the absence of Captain Miller, who was going in charge of a division of men, Nisbet's duties with the ship demanded his remaining. Nisbet steadily refused, and his presence was the immediate means of saving the admiral's life.

I have managed pretty well so far, for I had nice friends, and was always looking forward to the time when I should have my own home, but don't you understand how different it is now, and how dreary it seems to settle down to it as a permanency?" She looked up wistfully in Mrs Nisbet's face, and met a smile of kindest understanding. "But there is no necessity to grieve over the future, child!

Ten days after, on the 15th, the missionaries, to their astonishment, perceived the Hope again re-enter Nisbet's Harbour.

Whose mind's so marbled, and his heart so hard, That would not, when this huge mishap was heard, To th' utmost note of sorrow set their song, To see a gallant, with so great a grace, So suddenly unthought on, so o'erthrown, And so to perish, in so poor a place, By too rash riding in a ground unknown! POEM, IN NISBET'S Heraldry, vol. ii.

N.L., was called Hopedale, in remembrance of those brethren, who, in 1752, had erected their dwelling a little farther to the south, at Nisbet's Harbour, and given it this name; the ruins of which had been discovered in the exploratory voyage, 1775. The appearance of the ships, which were now annually sent from England to Labrador, was hailed with joy.

The other copy, entire, is in the Alfred Morrison collection Number 536. Nelson probably sent a copy to Lady Hamilton to satisfy her exigencies that the breach was final. The two correspond, word for word, as far, that is, as the former remains. Maurice Nelson died in April, 1801. Nelson several times spoke of Nisbet's early promise. The author is indebted to Mrs.