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Scoop shovel snout and a stern ugly as a battle-ship's, and the Lord knows there was overhang and to spare to tail her out decent. Cut out the yellow and the red and the whole lot of gold decorations and she's as homely as a Newf'undland jack." "Just the same, she c'n sail," said somebody who wanted to start an argument. "Sail! Yah! might beat a Rockport granite sloop.

Well, here's to you both a wee drop just, Tommie easy easy," and he began: "Oh, Newf'undland and Cape Shore men, and men of Gloucester town, With ye I've trawled o'er many banks and sailed the compass roun'; I've ate with ye, and bunked with ye, and watched with ye all three, And better shipmates than ye were I never hope to see.

He started off first with his "Oh, seiners all and trawlers all," but Alec McNeill and Patsie Oddie interrupted. "Oh, give us the other one, Tom the Newf'undland and Cape Shore Men." "Ha!" laughed O'Donnell, "it's the mention of your own you want you and Patsie there. Well, it's all one to me. Any man from any place, so long as he's a fair man and a brave man, and Lord knows ye're both that.

That was Thursday afternoon, and still no word of the Duncan. "Good for you, Joey," said Clancy when he heard of that. "Even if Maurice don't come it's better to lose your money and shut them up. But don't worry he'll come. Do you think he's been standing and looking at this easterly it's all along the coast to Newf'undland I see by the papers and not swing her off?