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Gus stepped forward without any show of the excitement that characterized the others. "If you need evidence other than our word, it's easy to find," he said. "Mac New's gun was not the same caliber as Pan's. An' as the bullet thet killed Hardman is still in his body it can be found." "Gentlemen, that isn't necessary," replied Wiggate, hastily, with a shudder. "Not for me.

"They are very good to look at now," Christopher answered, a little shyly, looking at a vast sea-scape which seemed to cool the room with a fresh breeze. "You Astons would have beaten me anyhow," pursued Peter. "I've got nothing old: but the new's the best of its kind." Christopher found this was true. Everything in the house was modern. There was no reproduction, no imitation.

"Blink, you'll soon be cowboy, foreman, boss the whole outfit on your own Arizona ranch." "Pard, I'll shore drink to thet, if anybody's got any licker." If there were any other bottles in the camp, Mac New's was the only one that came to light. It was passed around. "Now, men, listen," began Pan when they had found comfortable seats around the campfire.

Neither had anything to say but their actions, especially Mac New's, were not to be misunderstood. The situation became intense. Hardman suddenly showed the strain. Pan's demeanor, however, might have been deceiving, except to the keenest of men, long versed in such encounters. "Jard Hardman, you're a low-down horse thief," said Pan deliberately.

At last the cold night wind reminded Pan that he had not yet rolled in his blankets, which he had intended to do until Mac New's significant statement had roused somber misgiving. He went to bed, yet despite the exertions of the long day, slumber was a contrary thing that he could not woo.

There's somethin' just about the way a man eats an' sleeps as gets very aggravatin' to any woman after the new's off.

Mac New's revelation was what Pan would have expected of such a character. Bad as he was, he seemed a white man compared with this underhanded greedy Hardman. Even granting Hardman's gradual degeneration, Pan could not bring himself to believe the man would attempt any open crooked deal. Still this attempt to bribe Mac New had a dubious look. Pan did not like it.