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He vaulted over the bellows like an antelope, and, rushing over Smith's Ledge and Trinity Ledge, sprang across Port Boyle, and dived head foremost into Neill's Pool before any of the other men, who made a general rush, could reach the spot. A few powerful strokes brought Ruby to the place where the major and the captain, neither of whom could swim, were struggling in the water.

The various little pools and inlets, many of them not larger than a dining-room table, received high-sounding and dignified names such as Port Stevenson, Port Erskine, Taylor's Track, Neill's Pool, etcetera. Of course the fish that frequented the pools, and the shell-fish that covered the rock, became subjects of much attention, and, in some cases, of earnest study.

A hard march on the 15th brought the Sixth corps to Boonsboro, where our Second division encamped on precisely the same ground that we had occupied on the 31st of October last. Neill's brigade made the march at a breakneck pace, leaving the Vermonters far to the rear, who declared that the recent associations of the former with the cavalry had transformed them into a flying brigade.

"For instance, seh, you ain't asking me to believe that you handed over your rig to Kinney so peaceful and that he went away and clean forgot to unload from you that gun you pack." The eyes of the two met and looked into each other's as clear and straight as Texas sunshine. Slowly Neill's relaxed into a smile. "No, I won't ask you to believe that. I owe you something because you saved my life "

They had possession of some of our pits, and now they hoped to turn our flank and rout the army; but the small force replied to the desperate charge of the whole of Ewell's corps with the most stubborn resistance. Charge after charge was made, but to no avail. At length Neill's brigade passed far to the right of the rebel line, and poured an enfilading volley into the gray-coats.

In these encounters the Seventh Maine and Sixty-first Pennsylvania regiments of Neill's brigade, who were on the right flank, received the heaviest onsets, and suffered most severely. At one time the Maine regiment found itself flanked by a brigade of rebels. Changing front the gallant regiment charged to the rear and scattered its opponents in confusion.

For five days the sepoys had been killing and plundering the British. On hearing of Neill's approach, two thousand of them encamped near the fort in order to hold it, but an attack of the Fusiliers soon dispersed them, and the commander ordered a large number to be executed in order to strike terror into the rest.

You're sure all safe now," he said tenderly, and in the blackness his lips sought and met hers in a kiss that sealed the understanding their souls had reached. At the sound of Neill's voice Dunke had extinguished the candle and vanished in the darkness with Struve, the latter holding him by the arm in a despairing grip.

He vaulted over the bellows like an antelope, and, rushing over Smith's Ledge and Trinity Ledge, sprang across Port Boyle, and dived head foremost into Neill's Pool before any of the other men, who made a general rush, could reach the spot. A few powerful strokes brought Ruby to the place where the major and the captain, neither of whom could swim, were struggling in the water.

By reference to "Neill's History of Minnesota," I see mention made there of the arrival of ordnance, provisions and recruits from St. Louis before the departure from Prairie du Chien, but am inclined to believe that the additions to the commissariat could not have been adequate to the needs, as there was much suffering for want of proper supplies.