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"Do you know him?" asked Sir Francis of the Major. "I am sure I have seen the fellow," the Major replied, looking as if he, too, was puzzled. "Yes, I have it. He was a deserter from the Horse Artillery who got into the Nawaub's service. I remember his face quite well."

It was a known fact that an envoy from an Indian Prince, a Colonel Altamont, the Nawaub of Lucknow's prime favourite, an extraordinary man, who had, it was said, embraced Mahometanism, and undergone a thousand wild and perilous adventures was at present in this country, trying to negotiate with the Begum Clavering, the sale of the Nawaub's celebrated nose-ring diamond, 'the light of the Dewan.

Middlemas, or whatever else he chooses to be called, has been complimented by a report, that he stood very high in the good graces of this same Boadicea. He certainly commanded some troops which she stills keeps on foot, and acted at their head in the Nawaub's service, who craftily employed him in whatever could render him odious to his countrymen.

This fear gave way to another, when the time of departure came, at which moment there rode up about two hundred of the Nawaub's native cavalry.

But were you to betray what has here passed, I will find the dagger of a Lootie which shall reach thee, wert thou sheltered under the folds of the Nawaub's garment. In the meantime, take this missive, and when you are in possession of Bangalore, despatch it to General Smith, whose division shall have orders to approach as near the frontiers of Mysore as may be, without causing suspicion."

I only wish to have it understood that I am a gentleman, and live at least in DECENT society. Verbum sat. But to be serious. Poor Greg! a very trivial dispute was the cause of our quarrel, which never would have originated but for the similarity of our names. The most ridiculous part of the affair is, that the toothpick-case was his, after all he had left it on the Nawaub's table at tiffin.

On one of these occasions the Nawaub's envoy must have been in an exceeding ill humour; for he crushed Clavering's letter in his hand, and said with his own particular manner and emphasis: "A hundred, be hanged. I'll have no more letters nor no more shilly-shally. Tell Clavering I'll have a thousand, or by Jove I'll split, and burst him all to atoms.

On his arrival at the Khan, he found the Vakeel of the British government in a great bustle, preparing to obey directions transmitted to him by the Nawaub's Dewan, or treasurer, directing him to depart the next morning with break of day for Bangalore.

Colonel Altamont had stared at these gentlemen in so odd a manner, as they passed through the 'Select' room, that Clavering made inquiries of the landlord who he was, and hinted a strong opinion that the officer of the Nawaub's service was drunk. Mr. Pynsent, too, had had the honour of a conversation with the servant of the Indian potentate. Mr.

I only wish to have it understood that I am a gentleman, and live at least in DECENT society. Verbum sat. But to be serious. Poor Greg! a very trivial dispute was the cause of our quarrel, which never would have originated but for the similarity of our names. The most ridiculous part of the affair is, that the toothpick-case was his, after all he had left it on the Nawaub's table at tiffin.