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A Danish skald, who had once been at the English court, had said that she seemed to have eaten her namesake's apple of immortality, without her apple of beauty, for no one could ever remember to have seen her other than a tiny dried-up old witch, with keen gray eyes, a sharp tongue, an ever ready foot and hand, and a frame utterly unaffected by any of the influences so sinister to far younger and stronger ones.

Then she signed her name with "kindest regards to all" Billy did not send "love to all" any more. William at once began to make plans for his namesake's comfort. "But, Will, she didn't say she was coming here," Bertram reminded him. "She didn't need to," smiled William, confidently. "She just took it for granted, of course. This is her home." "But it hasn't been for years.

The slight melancholy left the voice as, after presenting to me the little viscount, she drew forward the more bashful Lord Albert, who indeed had something of his grandsire and namesake's look of refined intelligence in his brow and eyes.

With Barbara, thought, resolve, and action followed one another in rapid succession. "You shall have what you need to-morrow," she called to the marquise, kissed obeying a hasty impulse her little namesake's picture, rejected any expression of thanks from the astonished old dame, and went to rest.

With Barbara, thought, resolve, and action followed one another in rapid succession. "You shall have what you need to-morrow," she called to the marquise, kissed obeying a hasty impulse her little namesake's picture, rejected any expression of thanks from the astonished old dame, and went to rest.

There was sufficient in this answer, taken in connection with the deliberate, guarded, and yet expressive manner of the speaker to make Tom extremely uncomfortable, though there was also sufficient to leave him in doubts as to his namesake's true meaning.

He saved your namesake's life." Convinced by this womanly reasoning, Harman, senior, could scarcely sleep nor wait till morning, so eager was he to lay his influence, his purse and his property at Burr's disposal. Before the clock struck five he was out of bed, and the quavering of his flute disturbed the colonel's slumber.

The poem, after all, turned out to be but a lover's appeal to his mistress to give over coyness and use time while she might; but Dorothea wondered why its solemn language should have hit her namesake's fancy, and, turning a few more pages, discovered that this merry dead girl had chosen and copied out other verses which were more than solemn.

He casually waved an arm at us, a salute that one of our number, in acknowledging, sought to imitate, for the cool, indifferent flourish of its arm, as if it were a common enough thing for us to be noticed by the mighty from their eminences. This was my namesake's most beautiful of butterflies. Any one could understand that. As the train lost itself in smoke I knew well what he felt.

With Barbara, thought, resolve, and action followed one another in rapid succession. "You shall have what you need to-morrow," she called to the marquise, kissed obeying a hasty impulse her little namesake's picture, rejected any expression of thanks from the astonished old dame, and went to rest.