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Nugent regarded the litter of bed-clothes as though hoping that they would throw a little light on the affair, and then shot a puzzled glance at Mr. Wilks. "Why should you think my father wanted your bed?" he inquired. "I don't know," was the reply. "I thought p'r'aps 'e'd maybe taken a little more than 'e ought to have taken. But it's all a myst'ry to me. I'm more astonished than wot you are."

Nugent regarded the litter of bed-clothes as though hoping that they would throw a little light on the affair, and then shot a puzzled glance at Mr. Wilks. "Why should you think my father wanted your bed?" he inquired. "I don't know," was the reply. "I thought p'r'aps 'e'd maybe taken a little more than 'e ought to have taken. But it's all a myst'ry to me. I'm more astonished than wot you are."

"I see your intention." "The' is to be a gate da'k blue 'ound chapel for sta's and atoms and the myst'ry of matta." Her voice grew solemn. "All still and deep and high. Like a k'ystal in a da'k place. You will go down steps to it.

"He's got up on the leads, sure enough, though how he managed it from yon window is a myst'ry to me. We're going to lock up here and try what like it is from the attics. So you'd better come with us if you've a mind." The top floor at the Albany, as elsewhere, is devoted to the servants a congeries of little kitchens and cubicles, used by many as lumber-rooms by Raffles among the many.

Had the young man, after all, a warmer feeling for his dead uncle's reputation than he had given him credit for? As the three cousins stepped out of the Equitable Building to Stout Street a newsboy was calling an extra. "A-l-l 'bout Cunn'n'ham myst'ry. Huxtry! Huxtry!" Kirby bought a paper. A streamer headline in red flashed at him.

"You said that six years ago, do you know it? and Mandy isn't a bit worse than she was then." "Well, that's so," assented the man, after a thoughtful pause. "That is so, Mel'dy, though how you come to-know it is a myst'ry to me. Come to think of it, I dono but she's a leetle mite better than she was six years ago.

By a excellent coincidence, an' as if to he'p us out, Peets comes in as Texas Thompson su'gests that mebby the Doc's qualified to onravel the myst'ry. "'Tell you-all folks what's the matter with Dave? says Peets. 'Pards, it's simply not in the deck.

"Ondoubted," observed the Old Cattleman, during one of our long excursive talks, "ondoubted, the ways an' the motives of Injuns is past the white man's findin' out. He's shore a myst'ry, the Injun is! an' where the paleface forever fails of his s'lootion is that the latter ropes at this problem in copper-colour from the standp'int of the Caucasian. Can a dog onderstand a wolf?

After that I gave up the myst'ry and spent my spare minutes wonderin' if I could do this "One-two-three hold!" business as successful in public as I could while them dancin' school fairies was drillin' it into my nut at one-fifty per throw. That's right, grin!

He understood most of the ways and expressions of the men of the prairie. The hot blood surged under his calm exterior. His gray eyes, so accustomed to smiling, snapped dangerously. But his reply came with the same ease which he had displayed most of the time. "Wal, I don't guess ther's no myst'ry 'bout either of us, which you kind o' seem you'd like to think.