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Where will a place of refuge, noble friend, For peace and freedom ever open lie! The century in tempests had its end, The new one now begins with murder's cry. Each land-connecting bond is torn away, Each ancient custom hastens to decline; Not e'en the ocean can war's tumult stay. Not e'en the Nile-god, not the hoary Rhine.

Magdalen's last words seemed to have produced some extraordinary disturbance in him. "Damn it!" he broke out; "I can't let you say that. You have reason to think ill of me. I have cheated you. You never got your fair share of profit from the Entertainment, from first to last. There! now the murder's out!" Magdalen smiled, and signed to him to come back to his chair.

What has happened, then?" They were all three walking towards the town by that time, and Bent slipped between Brereton and Mallalieu and took the Mayor's arm. "Murder's happened," he said. "That's the plain truth of it. You know old Kitely your partner's tenant? Well, somebody's killed him." The effect of this announcement on Mallalieu was extraordinary.

Joe replied, sinking his voice to a whisper. "I got a damn good notion who killed old McBride; I could go out on the street and put my hand on the man who done it!" "You mustn't come here with these pipe dreams of yours, Joe; you have been drunk and all this talk about the McBride murder's gone to your head!" retorted Gilmore contemptuously.

And now the murder's all out, I'm sorry, added the dolls' dressmaker, rigid from head to foot with energy as she shook her little fist before her eyes, 'that I didn't give him Cayenne pepper and chopped pickled Capsicum!

Smith. Now, tell me what you are here for." Smith followed her example and sat down, drawing a chair quite close to hers. He lowered his voice. "Well, I've got next to something I think you ought to know. Maybe old man Wrandall is back of it, but I don't think he is. You see, so far as outsiders are concerned, that reward still stands. A murder's a murder and that's all there is to it.

"Sure I know that very well, Miss Elleney, darlint I know I might just as well be cryin' for the moon. But the murder's out now, an' 'pon me word I'm glad of it. I couldn't stop here the way I am I'd go mad altogether. I'll throuble ye to look out for another boy, Mrs. McNally, ma'am I wish to leave in a week's time." Mrs. McNally gasped.

Also, I have taken rather too much to billiards and that sort of thing. Now the murder's out; you despise me, Esther, don't you?" "You know I don't," said I. "You are kinder to me than I often am to myself," he returned. "My dear Esther, I am a very unfortunate dog not to be more settled, but how CAN I be more settled?

Before the morning dawns Hate will awaken thee, and Murder's terrible voice will resound through the halls of the Kings of France! Marie Antoinette slept!

In Thy dread name we draw the sword, We lift the starry flag on high That fills with light our stormy sky. From treason's rent, from murder's stain Guard Thou its folds till Peace shall reign, Till fort and field, till shore and sea Join our loud anthem, PRAISE TO THEE!