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These elegant effusions are of the "Non hominies, non , &c." description. That is to say, he has introduced the elegance and correctness of the Urdu language, or that of the Upper Provinces, into Bengal. The Muhammadans believe that the body of their prophet cast no shadow. Mustafa means "The Chosen," "The Elected," one of Muhammad's titles.

It was as if she could dimly see her plans foredoomed, and yet hoped on in spite of it. The fatalism that she scorned as Muhammad's lie held her in its grip, and her natural courage fought with it. Womanlike, she turned to King in that minute and confided to him her very inmost thoughts. And he, without an inkling as to how she must fail, yet knew that she must, and pitied her.

He suggested a fee for his services, but hastily withdrew when Ram Singh sketched a few of the steps he proposed to take on his return by way of punishing Lal Muhammad's insolence on Lal Muhammad's household. Then he got to business.

His "Togao Mamede" can be none other than Muhammad Taghlaq. Henceforward this will be assumed. Muhammad's capture of Kampli and Anegundi Death of his nephew Baha-ud-din Malik Naib made governor of Anegundi Disturbances Harihara Deva Raya raised to be king of Anegundi Madhavacharya Vidyaranya The city of Vijayanagar founded Legends as to the origin of the new kingdom.

This is another of the sacred cities of Islam, since it is the scene of Muhammad's labors after his hegira from Mecca; it also contains his tomb. Formerly no unbeliever was permitted to traverse the streets of Medina or look upon the tomb of the great prophet, but tourists are now allowed within the gates. The city is enclosed by a wall forty feet high which is flanked with thirty towers.

"O dilruba tu gam na kho, khuda hamen baham kare" "Janejahan bhulo nahi, karim sada karam kare." "Grieve not, heart of my heart, for God will order our meeting! Soul of the world, forget not; and may the peace of God be on us twain." Perchance she also, like Fateh Muhammad's guests, had caught a message of good hap from out the darkness.

When I entered Delhi it was almost a desert." It is characteristic of Muhammad's whimsical despotism that shortly afterwards he ordered the inhabitants of different districts to go and repeople Delhi, which they attempted to do, but with little success.

In the summaries that follow, it is this chronological order that is adopted. The Mekkan suras are much more original than the Medinah ones, especially those of the first period i.e., those belonging to the first four years of Muhammad's prophetic mission, e.g., suras 96, 74, etc. In these suras the style is grander, more passionate, and fuller of poetry.

In the middle of the year 1469, while either Rajasekhara or Virupaksha I. was the king of Vijayanagar, Mahmud Gawan, Muhammad's minister, marched towards the west, and after a fairly successful campaign attacked Goa, then in the possession of the Raya of Vijayanagar, both by sea and land. He was completely victorious and captured the place.

Muhammad's retreat had been deliberately carried out in order to draw on his enemy, and cause him by over-confidence to neglect proper precautions. The ruse was successful. The Muhammadans made a sudden and unexpected night-attack.