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Those of Moyara's father, who must have died not more than a dozen years ago, were crumbling into powder; and we found this to be generally the case all over the Batoka country.

These were Matebele, who, unable to approach Sebituane on the island of Loyela, had returned sick and famishing. Moyara's father took advantage of their reduced condition, and after putting them to death, mounted their heads in the Batoka fashion. The old man who perpetrated this deed now lies in the middle of his son's huts, with a lot of rotten ivory over his grave.

Departure from Linyanti A Thunder-storm An Act of genuine Kindness Fitted out a second time by the Makololo Sail down the Leeambye Sekote's Kotla and human Skulls; his Grave adorned with Elephants' Tusks Victoria Falls Native Names Columns of Vapor Gigantic Crack Wear of the Rocks Shrines of the Barimo "The Pestle of the Gods" Second Visit to the Falls Island Garden Store-house Island Native Diviners A European Diviner Makololo Foray Marauder to be fined Mambari Makololo wish to stop Mambari Slave-trading Part with Sekeletu Night Traveling River Lekone Ancient fresh-water Lakes Formation of Lake Ngami Native Traditions Drainage of the Great Valley Native Reports of the Country to the North Maps Moyara's Village Savage Customs of the Batoka A Chain of Trading Stations Remedy against Tsetse "The Well of Joy" First Traces of Trade with Europeans Knocking out the front Teeth Facetious Explanation Degradation of the Batoka Description of the Traveling Party Cross the Unguesi Geological Formation Ruins of a large Town Productions of the Soil similar to those in Angola Abundance of Fruit.