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But any stick is good enough to beat a dog with, and when Mr Bickers's boys had a mind to "go for" Moss's boys, they espoused the cause of Bickers, and when Mr Moss's boys went out to battle against those of Bickers's house, their war-cry was "Moss."

The railway could then advertise it, you see; trains could stop there 'five minutes to permit a view of Moss's Lion'; they could use a cut of it on all their folders. If there was a spring near by they could advertise the water and bottle it, a picture of my lion on the label. Ah, it is a fine scheme!" "'Tis so," said Haney. "I wonder nobody thought of it before."

Meantime, three weeks had passed since Elsie had written to ask her lawyer for the five hundred dollars, and she began to feel troubled. Of course, she had to allow for letter and answer going through Elsie Moss's hands, but three weeks should have covered that. She watched the mails anxiously.

"Don't you fret, that's all, I'll make a shift without the money a bit, only you must be as clever and contriving as you can." Mrs. Moss's tears came again at this unexpected kindness, and she could say nothing. "Come, come! the little wench shall come and see you. I'll bring her and Tom some day before he goes to school. You mustn't fret. I'll allays be a good brother to you."

But Tom was clear upon two points, that his uncle Moss's note must be destroyed; and that Luke's money must be paid, if in no other way, out of his own and Maggie's money now in the savings bank. There were subjects, you perceive, on which Tom was much quicker than on the niceties of classical construction, or the relations of a mathematical demonstration. Tom Applies His Knife to the Oyster

Moss answered dubiously, scratching his chin, "but his bringing up has been against him. London, sir, and then tramping about the country for a year." Jim regarded Mr. Aston anxiously to see how this somewhat negative character struck him, but he was still looking at Jim and seemed to pay small heed to Mr. Moss's words.

'He shall see how useless it is to interfere! 'Mr. Albert Moss! Arthur threw aside his newspaper, and held out his hand with a fair show of welcome. 'Ha! Moss, how are you? Your sister will be down-stairs directly. Miss Martindale Theodora was resolved against being supercilious, but Mr. Moss's intention of shaking hands obliged her to assert her dignity by a princess-like inclination.

Kitty spoke as one with authority, and into her eyes came the faraway look that always appeared when her imagination was running riot. For a really practical child, Kitty had a great deal of imagination, but the two traits never conflicted. "This is Molly's window," said Marjorie, dismissing the question of fairies as they reached Mr. Moss's house.

The notice added that despite the fact that her voice was so wonderful, her dancing and acting inimitable, some people declared that it was her dimples that wrought the spell that she might stand dumb and motionless before the footlights if she would only smile. Mrs. Moss's first clear sensation was indignation toward Mr. Middleton.

So here's Mrs. Moss's letter. I could not open it this morning, and I have been inventing messages to Violet from her poor woman! I have some good news for her now. It is all about coming, but Violet says she does not want her. I can't read it all, my eyes are so weak! Violet said they were bloodshot, and he began to examine them in the glass.