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The interior, however, is of little interest, for the poor relics which the Fathers keep are even less attractive than those displayed at the Mission of San Gabriel; yet there are shown at least two enormous missals which are no less than four feet long by two feet wide, and beautifully inscribed on parchment. "What is the Mission's income?" I asked the gentle monk who acted as my guide.

The charity and medical skill of the little priest, and the Mission's adjacency to a big trading post, were responsible for drawing about the place every begging Indian and the whole of his belongings.

In view of these facts to leave out of consideration my earnest personal desire there can never be any question in my mind as to the imperative necessity of the Mission's continuance of the work for derelict children. This conclusion seems to me safeguarded by the fact that all nations are placing increasing emphasis on "the child in the midst of them."

The school was started and had the good fortune of its first four years' life under the care of a notable gentlewoman, Miss Annie Cragg Farthing, who was yet at its head at the time of this visit, but who died suddenly, a martyr to her devotion to the children, a year later; and a great Celtic cross in concrete, standing high on the bluff across the river, now marks the spot of her own selection a spot that gives a fine view of Denali where her body rests, and also the Alaskan mission's sense of the extraordinary value of her life.

He laughed at D'Hérouville, and bantered the poet on his silence, the poet whose finer sense and intuition had distrusted the vicomte from the first. One day madame came out to feed the mission's chickens. Her hand swung to and fro, and like a stream of yellow gold the shelled corn trailed through the air to the ground. The fowls clustered around her noisily.

A man has come from Nome, and says that the steamer bringing Mission supplies from San Francisco was obliged during the last hard storm to throw some of its cargo overboard, and part of the Mission's stores were thus lost. All are sorry to hear this, as it means a shortage of necessary things, like furniture for the Home, where much is needed.

Who's confined in the next cell there, to the left?" "To my knowledge it's empty." He shook his head incredulously. "Very well," I said, "I don't mean to bandy words with you"; and I turned to go. At that he came after me with a frightened choke. "Doctor, your mission's a merciful one. I'm not trying to sauce you. For God's sake have me moved! I can see further than most, I tell you!"

Maybe he's learned." There was no reply, and he went on. "Maybe he's wishin' he'd treated you right, Davi'. Maybe he'd gi' something to marry you now. Maybe. Wal, he's had his chance an' throw'd it." There was an impressive pause. Presently Jean spoke again. "Guess we'll be gittin' on soon. The mission's a good place fer wimmin as hasn't done well in the world, I reckon.

"Then the position's bad." Bill Brudenell spoke for the first time. "The post and Mission's safe anyway. Murray'll see to that." It was a startled community that awoke next morning at Fort Mowbray. The news was abroad at the earliest hour, and it reached Jessie Mowbray in the kitchen, as she made her appearance to superintend the preparation of breakfast.

Only its sweet deception did not stay with her, and she let that go with open hands. She wanted, more than ever, the whole of Stephen Arnold, all that was so openly the Mission's and all that was so evidently God's. It will be seen that she felt in no way compelled to advise him of this her backsliding. I doubt whether such a perversion of her magnificent course of action ever occurred to her.