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A moment, Sarah stared at them in amazement; then her fat sides shook with laughter. "I shore might've knowed it! So that's what she was so busy phonegraphing 'bout! That chile shore weren't born yesterday. Gingham aprons, every last one o' them!" Some of the six wore sunbonnets, the rest plain garden hats; and all wore stout serviceable shoes and stockings.

"Folks ain't havin' everythin' they want in this world, Sandy." "Then ye turned me down in the church afore Waldstricker," went on Sandy. "Ye might've been glad to marry a decent man after what ye'd done. But ye ups and says, 'I won't! An' I've come to ask the reason why." Tess walked across the shanty kitchen and sat on the edge of the cot.

When'll yeh be in?" "I'll leave a note for you with O'Hagan. Is that all?" "Yep that is, there's somethin' else...." "Well?" "Excuse me for mentionin' it, but I didn't know it ain't generally known, yeh know, 'nd one uh th' boys might've heard me speak tuh yer lady by name 'nd might pass it on to a reporter.

But, by the way, doctor, did you know to-day was Christmas? Of co'se I might've knew you did but I never. An' now it seems to me like Christmas, an' Fo'th o' July, an' "Hail Columbia, happy lan'," all b'iled down into one big jubilee! But tell me, doctor, confidential sh! step here a leetle further back tell me, don't you think he's to say a leetle bit undersized? Speak out, ef he is.

There was something Providential in it. I'm a good deal of a Quaker. I believe in the movin's of the spirit. The spirit moved me very strongly to go with you, and I now see the purpose in it. If I hadn't, them fellers might've got the bulge on you. I seen them before any o' you did, and I fetched down their head devil, and I feel that I helped you a good deal."

Said she might've loved him, only she couldn't marry any man that had continual music in his interior. "So Barnes, he was the most disgusted man you ever saw. Perfectly sick about it. And one day he was lying on the bed gaping, and that frog unexpectedly made up its mind to come up to ask Barnes to eat more carefully, maybe, and it jumped out on the counterpane.

They do not know that there is wan thing an' on'y wan thing to be said in favor iv dhrink, an' that is that it has caused manny a lady to be loved that otherwise might've died single." "They're all right, said Mr. Hennessy. I'm against it." "Yes," said Mr. Dooley. "Anny man is against dhrink that's iver been really against it." "Th' latest thing in science," said Mr.

He thought bitterly, standing there, of Calcutta's recognition of the claims of legitimate drama, for the dank darkness was full of the noise of wheels and the flashing of lamps on the way to accord another season's welcome to Jimmy Finnigan. "I might've learned this town well enough by now," he reflected, "to know that a bally minstrel show's about the size of it." Mr. Stanhope had not Mr.

I might've knew with all them clo'es bedaubled over though I can't, ez the doctor says, see how me a-takin' a pill is goin' to help matters but of co'se I wouldn't let on to him, an' he a bachelor." He stopped talking and felt his wrist. "Maybe my pulse is obstropulous, an' ought to be sedated down. Reckon I'll haf to kill that steer or sell him, one though I swo'e I wouldn't.

Though his plan had worked very well so far, Billy now felt at a loss to know how he ought to proceed. So, accepting her thanks with a brief nod, he bolted straight to the point. "Say, Ken, if you'll tell me about your father I promise on my scout's honor not to tell a soul! And you ought to tell me anyway, for didn't my dog save your life, and didn't I give you first aid or you might've died!"