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Harry came with a rush, and the other freshmen followed at his heels, the party having been abandoned by the sophs who had been placed on guard over them. "Hold on! hold on!" commanded Harry, forcing his way toward the fighters. "I am Merriwell's second, and I'm going to see fair play, you bet!" "And I am Diamond's second," said Roland Ditson. "Just give me a chance in the ring there."

Do you feel this?" Something keen pricked Merriwell's throat. "It is my knife," declared the unknown. "With a single stroke I can open the vein in your throat, and nothing in all the world can save you." The situation was one to send a thrill through the strongest nerves. "What do you want?" asked Merry, in a low tone. "Softer than that!" hissed the fellow with the knife.

This was Frank Merriwell's deadly enemy, a monster who would hesitate at no crime in order to injure the youth he so bitterly hated. This was the man who had twice attempted to destroy the life of Inza Burrage. This was the man who had poisoned Watson Scott at the Waldorf and had nearly brought about the death of Warren Hatch in an automobile smash-up. Morgan had good nerves.

"I want to see more of his work before I express myself." Merriwell's steal had indeed rattled Coulter, who became so nervous that he sent the batter down to first on four balls. Then, with the first ball delivered to the next man up, the fellow on first struck out for second.

There was something about Merriwell's look and bearing that seemed to warn them against attacking him. To Wat Snell it suddenly seemed quite probable that Frank would prove more than a match for both of them. "There are ladies present," he said, hastily. "We cannot fight in the presence of ladies." "Very thoughtful!" came scornfully from Frank's lips.

That night, some time after taps, two boys arose and proceeded to carefully prepare dummies in their beds, arranging the figures so they looked very much like sleeping cadets, if they were not examined too closely. Bart was rather skillful at this, and he assisted Frank in perfecting the figure in Merriwell's bed.

Merriwell's team came to bat, facing the handicap of seven runs. In the meantime at least twenty boys from the academy had gathered to watch the game. Gregory Carker appeared, escorting Inza, Elsie, Winnie Badger, Teresa Gallup, Mrs. Morton, and Juanita Garcia.

He is one of the kind of fellows who doesn't know enough to play any other way." "Then Frank Merriwell's name is mud with a capital M." The plot was laid, the snare was set, but the game seemed wary. For some time Frank Merriwell remained away from those midnight gatherings in the room of the student who had committed suicide. "Hang the luck!" exclaimed Gage.

"Run!" panted Frank Merriwell's voice in his ear. And they ran away together, and in a short while were safe in their rooms. It turned out that it was not the faculty that had tried to get in where the duel was taking place, but some of the sophs. At the time he turned back to rescue Diamond, however, Frank had believed the Virginian was in the grasp of one of the professors.

On one cheek Merriwell's knuckles cut through the skin, and the blood began to run, creeping down to his chin and dropping on the bosom of his white shirt. Still, from the determination and fury with which he fought, it seemed that Diamond was utterly unconscious that he had been struck at all.