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The minstrels had composed a whole cycle of up-to-date songs, commemorating his prowess with the mashie. His handicap was down to twelve. But these things are not all. A golfer needs a loving wife, to whom he can describe the day's play through the long evenings. And this was just where Merolchazzar's life was empty.

Collecting his assistants and tip-toeing down the garden, he took up his stand a few feet in Merolchazzar's rear, just as that much-enduring monarch, after twenty-five futile attempts, was once more addressing his stone. Lyric writers in those days had not reached the supreme pitch of excellence which has been produced by modern musical comedy.

At the Courtiers' Club, the meeting-place of the aristocracy of Oom, five to one in pazazas was freely offered against Merolchazzar's chances, but found no takers; while in the taverns of the common people, where less conservative odds were always to be had, you could get a snappy hundred to eight.

The Princess would name a date, and a formal meeting would take place; after which everything usually buzzed along pretty smoothly. But in the case of King Merolchazzar's courtship of the Princess of the Outer Isles there had been a regrettable hitch.

I was just shaping to hit it right that time when you butted in, you " The minstrels melted away. The bearded man patted the fermenting monarch paternally on the shoulder. "Ma mannie," he said, "ye may no' be a gowfer yet, but hoots! ye're learning the language fine!" King Merolchazzar's fury died away.