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Crook-knee'd and dew-lap'd like Thessalian Bulls; Slow in Pursuit, but match'd in Mouths like Bells, Each under each: A Cry more tuneable Was never hallowed to, nor chear'd with Horn. Sir Roger is so keen at this Sport, that he has been out almost every Day since I came down; and upon the Chaplain's offering to lend me his easy Pad, I was prevailed on Yesterday Morning to make one of the Company.

And if this happen to people that are not so perfectly well match'd, as our self-same-minded couple, and that the husband hath been a frequenter of company, you shall then seldom see that the husband and the Wife are concordant in their opinions; for he generally will be for trading in Wine and Tobacco, in which sort of commodities he is well studied; and the woman is for dealing in linnen, stockings, gloves, or such like Wares as she knows best how to traffick with.

Earth with an envy is moved: Sea-shells and roses she brings, Gems from the green ocean-springs, Fruits with the fairy bloom-dews, Feathers of Paradise hues, Waters with jewel-bright falls, Ore from the Genii-halls: All in their splendour approved; All; but, match'd with my beloved, Darker, and denser, and duller.

At her words Shibli Bagarag burst forth into praises of her, and he sang: 'What is my worthiness Match'd with thy worth? Darkness and earthiness, Dust and dearth! O Noorna, thou art wise above women: great and glorious over them. In this fashion the youth lauded her that was his betrothed, but she exclaimed, 'Hush! or the jealousy of this Ass will be aroused, and of a surety he'll spill us.

And there Is English Peacock, with his mountain fair, Turn'd into a Flamingo, that shy bird That gleams in the Indian air. Have you not heard When a man marries, dies, or turns Hindoo, His best friends hear no more of him. But you Will see him, and will like him too, I hope, With the milk-white Snowdownian antelope Match'd with this camelopard.

"At mouth of the portals seven Above our abodes he hover'd With lances that yawn'd for carnage; But vanish'd, afore his chaps With slaughter of Thebes were glutted; Afore the flicker of pitchy flame Might to the crown of turrets climb. So fierce the rattle of war around Was pour'd on his rear by the serpent-foe Hard match'd in deadly encounter. For Jove the over-vaunting tongue Supremely hates.

I touch'd my limbs, the limbs Were strange, not mine and yet no shade of doubt, But utter clearness, and thro' loss of Self The gain of such large life as match'd with ours Were Sun to spark unshadowable in words, Themselves but shadows of a shadow-world. Any words about Tennyson as a politician are apt to excite the sleepless prejudice which haunts the political field.

They came in two by two, though match'd in the most dissociable Manner, and mingled together in a kind of Dance.

'Tis pity she that thinks it so shou'd want him; the Blessing's thrown away on me, but we are both unhappy to be match'd to those we cannot love. Carlos, though young, gay, handsom, witty, rich, I hate as much as you the old Francisco; for since I cannot marry my Antonio, both Youth and Beauty are but lost on me, and Age decrepid would be equal torment. Jul.

At her words Shibli Bagarag burst forth into praises of her, and he sang: 'What is my worthiness Match'd with thy worth? Darkness and earthiness, Dust and dearth! O Noorna, thou art wise above women: great and glorious over them. In this fashion the youth lauded her that was his betrothed, but she exclaimed, 'Hush! or the jealousy of this Ass will be aroused, and of a surety he'll spill us.