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The faith of Arizona and the older hands in the official capacity for dealing with these people was a frail thing, but the younger set were less sceptical. And at last Julian Marbolt's tardy invitation to Fyles was despatched. Tresler had watched and waited for the sending of that letter; he had hoped to be the bearer of it himself.

I've see'd that butcher-lovin' lot handle their hosses an' steers like so much dead meat an' wuss'n. I've see'd hell around that ranch. 'An' why for, you asks, 'do their punchers an' hands stand it? ''Cos, I answers quick, 'ther' ain't a job on this countryside fer 'em after Julian Marbolt's done with 'em. That's why. 'Wher' wus you workin' around before? asks a foreman.

When he had finished, which he did without any interruption from the other, Jake spoke with quiet appreciation. "An' you've brought the yarn to me. For any partic'lar reason?" Tresler raised his eyebrows. "Certainly," he replied. "You are foreman of the ranch. Mr. Marbolt's interests are yours."

I'll talk no more; it's 'yes' or 'no. Remember" he bent over toward the sitting man and pointed in his face with fierce delight "I am your master now, an' ef you don't do as I say, by G ! but I'll make you whine for mercy." And Marbolt's answer came with a crash of brass and smashing of glass, a leap of flame, then darkness, as he hurled the lamp to the floor and extinguished it.

"Leave it open. It is on that account I am here." "On what account?" the girl asked, in some perplexity. "Jake. There's something up, and hark!" They stood listening. The foreman's voice was raised again. But now Marbolt's broke in, sharp, incisive. And the words were plainly audible. "Keep your voice down," he said. "D'you want the girl to hear everything? You were always a blunderer, Jake."

He fancied he understood the persistence. There was a moment's silence. Then the stick tapped, and the rancher passed out under the curious gaze of his men. Tresler, too, looked after him. Nor was there any doubt of his feelings now. He knew that his presence in the house during Marbolt's murderous assault on Jake was unsuspected.

The only thing that stuck in people's minds, and that only because it added fuel to an already deep, abiding, personal hatred, was the story of Julian Marbolt's treatment of young Archie Orr, and his refusal to inaugurate a vigilance party. The blind man's name, always one to rouse the roughest side of men's tongues, was now cursed more bitterly than ever.

She did us a good turn." "And she owed it to us." "You mean when she upset everything during the fight?" "Yes." "Well, she's more than made amends. In spite of her temper, that mare of mine was the finest thing on the ranch." "Yours?" Fyles raised his eyebrows. "Well Marbolt's." But the officer shook his head. "Nor Marbolt's. She belonged to me.

"You ain't got no savee," Arizona broke out in disgust. "Say, he won't need no foreman when Jake's out of the way. You'll marry the gal, an' " But he got no further. Tresler interrupted him coldly. "That's enough, Arizona. We aren't going to discuss it further. In the meantime, believe me that I am wide awake to my position, and to Miss Marbolt's, and ready to do the best for her in emergency.

"I'll see her," he said slowly, "and I'll see him after he comes back from Willow Bluff." That was all, but Jake, accustomed to Julian Marbolt's every mood, read a deal more than the words expressed. He waited for what else might be coming, but only received a curt dismissal in tones so sharp that he hurried out of the room precipitately.