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Not until Del Mar had left with his two policemen did the fussy old gentleman reappear in the La Coste. Then he rode up to Del Mar's room and rapped at the door. "Is Mr. Del Mar in?" he inquired of the valet. "No, sir," replied that functionary. The little old man appeared to consider, standing a moment dandling his silk hat. Absent-mindedly he dropped it.

Crude oil production of Burmah in 1904 116 million gallons, of which 73 million came from Yenangyaung. In 1902 the Burmese oil fields yielded nearly 55 million gallons, valued at the rate of 250 gallons for a sovereign Del Mar's "Romantic East."

However, brother, as you know, I threw myself heart and soul into that business. "The last time I saw you was just as I was starting with a score of others to make our way to join the Earl of Mar's army at Perth. I have seen many an army since, but never did I see sixteen thousand finer fighting men than were there assembled.

Buchanan may have thought that nine years of his stern rule had eradicated some of James's ill conditions; the petulance which made him kill the Master of Mar's sparrow, in trying to wrest it out of his hand; the carelessness with which if the story told by Chytraeus, on the authority of Buchanan's nephew, be true James signed away his crown to Buchanan for fifteen days, and only discovered his mistake by seeing Bachanan act in open court the character of King of Scots.

Then he looked at the skylight and meditated. Down below, although he did not know it, in the bare dining-room which had been arranged into a sort of chemical laboratory, Del Mar's men were engaged in manufacturing gas bombs much like those used in the war in Europe. Before them was a formidable array of bottles and retorts.

Quickly he crossed the roof again, and slid back down the rain-pipe. At the door stood three of Del Mar's men waiting for Del Mar who had told them he would follow immediately. The naturalist had by this time reached the ground and was going along carefully back of the house. He drew his revolver and, pointing it down, fired. Then he dodged back of an extension and disappeared for the moment.

Meanwhile, back of that wall of water, the wireless operator in the cave was sending the messages which Del Mar's emissary dictated to him, one after another. With the high resistance receiving apparatus over his head, Arnold was listening to the wireless signals that came over his "radio detective" on the yacht, moving the slider back and forth on a sort of tuning coil, as he listened.

Del Mar's automobile, with Elaine bound and gagged in it, drove rapidly by back and unfrequented ways into the country until at last it pulled up before an empty two-story house in a sort of grove of trees. The men leaped out, lifted Elaine, and carried her bodily into the house, taking her up-stairs and into an upper room.

The valet and I entered with Elaine and we placed the chauffeur on a couch near Del Mar's desk. I remember that there was this strange woman all in black, heavily veiled, in the room at the time. "I think we ought to telephone for a doctor," said Elaine placing her hand-bag on the desk and excitedly telling Del Mar how we had accidentally knocked the man down.

He excused himself shortly and Elaine bade him good-bye at the door as he walked off, apparently, down the road I had taken. Del Mar's emissary hurried from the bungalow and almost ran down the road until he came to a spot where two men were hiding. "Jameson is coming with a letter which the Dodge girl has written to the Secret Service," he cried pointing excitedly up the road.