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Captain Mahan's statement of the case has never been questioned by anyone of importance.

"What's the title?" asked Maude. "Widow Mahan's Pig." "Oh, I know that," said Maude. "It's one of my favourites. I often sing it to my sister Florence. She just adores it." "Why, Maude," cried Alice, "how can you tell such stories?" But Quincy was laughing quietly. But few people understood Maude as he did. Mr.

Thither, at a decorous but expectant pace, Bruce bent his steps. Top-Sergeant Mahan was gazing with solicitous interest upon the toil of the cooks at the wheeled kitchen. Beside him, sharing his concern in the supper preparations, was Mahan's closest crony, old Sergeant Vivier. The wizened little Frenchman, as a boy, had been in the surrender of Sedan.

The young Kaiser read eagerly Mahan's Influence of Sea Power Upon History , distributed it among the ships of his still embryonic navy, and fed his ambition on the doctrines of this epoch-making work. Naval development found further stimulus and justification in the rapid economic growth of Germany.

It was the shudder accompanied pointing of the delirious man's finger, toward the nearby clump of undergrowth, that revealed to them the still warm body of Bruce. Back to camp, carried lovingly in Mahan's strong arms, went all that was left of the great courier-dog. Back to camp, propelled between two none-too-gentle soldiers, staggered the fit-ridden Corporal Freund.

Some time afterwards, when I had long returned home, a naval officer told me that the place was known to him and others as Mahan's Valley; but I have never heard it has been so entered on the maps. Shall I describe it? Certainly not.

And even though it was a duty-walk, yet the idea of it appealed to the dog after his long inaction. So Bruce got up and followed. As he came alongside the stiffly marching top-sergeant, the collie so far subverted discipline as to thrust his nose, in friendly greeting, into Mahan's slightly cupped palm.

Mahan's very marked encomium upon the campaign of Vicksburg is so flattering to General Grant, that you may offer to let him keep the letter, if he values such a testimonial.

Then after an instant of flurry and noise, Bruce felt Mahan's fingers on his shoulder and heard the stark appeal of Mahan's whispered voice. Instantly the dog was a professional soldier once more alertly obedient and resourceful. "Catch hold my left arm, Lieutenant!" Mahan was exhorting. "Close up, there, boys every man's hand grabbing tight to the shoulder of the man on his left! Pass the word.

Instead, Bruce had preferred to stroll out in search of friends. Top-Sergeant Mahan, by the way, would have felt highly flattered had he chanced to get a glimpse of the dispatch Bruce had brought to the colonel. For it bore out Mahan's own theory regarding the presence of spies at or near the village, and it bade the "Here-We-Come" colonel use every means for tracing them.