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Once inside, however, he beckoned Jack, and without a word led him alone into MacFarlane's study now almost dismantled for the move to Morfordsburg and closed the door. "Mrs. Minott has just told me the most extraordinary thing, Jack an unbelievable story. Is she quite sane?" Jack scanned Peter's face and read the truth. Corinne had evidently told him everything. This was the severest blow of all.

Strange, returning, relieved Macfarlane's watch at the side door. Macfarlane, Ambrose, Giddings, and Pringle lay down on the sofa and on the floor of the library. Three of them were almost instantly asleep. Not so Ambrose. As soon as he saw the half-breed left in sole charge his smoldering suspicions leaped into activity.

MacFarlane's career in the service of the Hudson's Bay Company is typical of the varied life and movements of its old-time adventurous traders. From here he was transferred to Fort Rae, and afterwards to Fort Good Hope, Mackenzie River, where he remained six years.

Then again he wanted a chance to look the boy over under fire, "size him up," in his own vocabulary. He might need his help later on. "Oh, we don't own a foot of it, don't want to. If Mr. MacFarlane decides to " "I'm not talking about MacFarlane's job; I'm talking about your own property, the Cumberland ore property, the one your father left you. You haven't sold it, have you?"

The boy pulled himself together with an effort. He was white to the lips. "There's cholera broken out," he said. "Forbes and Robey both down at their own bungalow. And they've got it at the barracks, too. Macfarlane's there. Can you come?" "Of course at once." Merryon pulled him forward. "Go in there and get a drink while I speak to my wife!"

It was about this time, or, to be strictly accurate, on the day preceding the convening of Judge MacFarlane's court in Gaston, that Governor Bucks took a short vacation his first since the adjournment of the Assembly.

"Sir James Fenwick knew them, too, of course, and he placed a finger upon each one, demolishing like a child who blows upon a house of cards the entire scaffolding erected by the prosecution. "Mr. Campbell's and Mr. Macfarlane's identification of the accused with the lady who, on some date admitted to be uncertain had tried to sell a pair of diamond earrings, was the first point.

It was at his tongue's end to tell the woman he loved how the woman he did not love had refused him, but he saved himself on the brink and said: "Why Miss Van Brock?" "Because she is vindictive, too, and " "But I am not vindictive." "Yes, you are. Do you know anything about Judge MacFarlane's family affairs?" "A little. He has three daughters; one of them rather unhappily married, I believe."

So, on the Friday, when the case was reached on Judge MacFarlane's docket but really, it is worth our while to be present in the Gaston court-room to see and hear what befalls. When the Varnum case was called, Hunnicott promptly moved for a third continuance, in accordance with his instructions.

MacFarlane hurt serious will recover. Break news gently to daughter. Bolton Asst. Engineer Other despatches had met the party on the way down; one saying, "No change," signed by the trained nurse, and a second one from Bolton in answer to one of Peter's: "Three men killed others escaped. MacFarlane's operation successful. Explosion premature."