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And Sir Arthur, referring to his previous inquiries by letter and message, requested to be particularly informed of Captain M'Intyre's health. "Better than he deserves," was the answer "better than he deserves, for disturbing us with his vixen brawls, and breaking God's peace and the King's."

He was a military gentleman, a friend of Captain M'Intyre's, at present in Fairport on the recruiting service. Lovel and he were slightly known to each other. "I presume, sir," said Mr. "A message from Captain M'Intyre, I presume?" "The same.

It was now, for the first time, that M'Leod became aware that his comrade was to be of the number of his executioners. He saw him amongst the firing-party. Unknowing the fact, and never dreaming of the possibility of such an atrocity as that which M'Intyre's position involved, M'Leod calmly asked a serjeant who stood near him "What does James do there?"

Lesley, that if I condescend to answer questions which no man has a right to ask, and which are now put to me under penalty of Captain M'Intyre's resentment, Captain MIntyre will condescend to rest satisfied? Mr.

Lesley, that if I condescend to answer questions which no man has a right to ask, and which are now put to me under penalty of Captain M'Intyre's resentment, Captain MIntyre will condescend to rest satisfied? Mr.

On the third day thereafter, the roll of the muffled drum announced that M'Intyre's hour was come; and he fell, but not unpitied, beneath the bullets of a party of his fellow-soldiers, on the identical spot where, three days before, his unfortunate comrade had met a similar doom.

At this observation Lovel again blushed so deeply as to attract the attention of the whole company, while, a scornful laugh seemed to indicate Captain M'Intyre's triumph. "There is something strange in this," said Oldbuck to himself; "but I will not readily give up my phoenix of post-chaise companions all his actions, language, and bearing, are those of a gentleman."

"Simply, sir," replied Lovel, "that my name is Lovel, and that my residence is, for the present, Fairport, as you will see by this card." "And is this all the information you are disposed to give me?" "I see no right you have to require more." "I find you, sir, in company with my sister," said the young soldier, "and I have a right to know who is admitted into Miss M'Intyre's society."

He reflected that it by no means necessarily followed that a dangerous wound must be a fatal one that he had been hurried from the spot even before the surgeon had expressed any opinion of Captain M'Intyre's situation and that he had duties on earth to perform, even should the very worst be true, which, if they could not restore his peace of mind or sense of innocence, would furnish a motive for enduring existence, and at the same time render it a course of active benevolence. Such were Lovel's feelings, when the hour arrived when, according to Edie's calculation who, by some train or process of his own in observing the heavenly bodies, stood independent of the assistance of a watch or time-keeper it was fitting they should leave their hiding-place, and betake themselves to the seashore, in order to meet Lieutenant Taffril's boat according to appointment.

Captain M'Intyre's eyes sparkled, and he was profuse in grateful acknowledgments; while Oldbuck, on the other hand, seizing the Earl's sleeve, endeavoured to intercept a present which boded no good to his corn-chest and hay-loft.