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But you don't believe it any longer, and M'Ginnis is only M'Ginnis, after all." "But I I've got to tell you more," said the lad miserably, as meeting Ravenslee's eye with an effort, he went on feverishly. "The other night after after Bud slipped me the the stuff an' I'd had a a drink or two, he began askin' all about you.

Viewing this, Soapy's glittering eyes blinked, and the pendulous cigarette quivered faintly again. "Now by " began M'Ginnis, lifting menacing fist; then his arm sank, and he shook his big, handsome head. "Oh, pshaw!" he exclaimed, "I guess you're all worked up, Kid, so I ain't takin' no notice.

An' I should pray dam' hard!" By this time they had reached Eleventh Avenue and were close upon the saloon when Ravenslee halted suddenly, for, beneath a lamp on the opposite sidewalk, he saw M'Ginnis in talk with two other men. Drawing the neckerchief from his pocket, Ravenslee crossed over and tapped M'Ginnis on the arm, who, turning about, stared into a pallid face within a foot of his own.

So Bud hands me his 'lectric torch, an' we skin over th' fence an' up to th' house an' Heine has th' winder open in a jiffy, an' me bein' half-soused an' foolish hikes inter th' room, an' you cops me on th' jump an' an' that's all!" "And M'Ginnis has threatened to send you up for it now and then, eh?" "Only for a joke. Bud ain't like me; he'd never split on a pal Bud wouldn't gimme away "

Geoff, are ye crazy? What about Bud M'Ginnis?" "M'Ginnis, my Arthur? Oh, Bud M'Ginnis may be hush! Straighten the cloth yonder, Spike; she's coming at last, by Heaven!" "Oh!" said Hermione, as she caught sight of Ravenslee's tall figure, "you've come then, Mr. Geoffrey? I've been hoping and praying you wouldn't!

"But no one would try to insult me hereabouts; this isn't Broadway or Fifth Avenue, Mr. Geoffrey!" and she smiled a very sad, weary little smile. "But I came to ask if you happened to know where Arthur is or whom he was with?" "Wasn't wid that Bud M'Ginnis, was he?" questioned Mrs. Trapes sharply. "No, he wasn't with M'Ginnis," answered Mr.

Boswell here speaks as an Englishman. He should have written 'a M'Ginnis. See ante, p. 135, note 3. 'The fruitfulness of Iona is now its whole prosperity. The inhabitants are remarkably gross, and remarkably neglected; I know not if they are visited by any minister.

Ravenslee sat down and began to fill his pipe. "Where's d' Kid?" Mr. Ravenslee brushed stray grains of tobacco from his knee with elaborate care. "Hey, you! Where's Spike 'n' what you doin' here, anyway?" Mr. Ravenslee glanced up casually. "And pray, who the devil may you be pleased to be?" he enquired. "Me name's M'Ginnis!" "Oh, indeed?" "Yes indeed! Bud M'Ginnis Is that good 'nuff for ye?"

Then he appropriately vanished, and San Francisco knew him no more. At the same time, however, one Owen M'Ginnis, a neighboring sandhill squatter, also disappeared, leaving San Francisco for the southern mines, and he was said to have taken Billy with him, for no conceivable reason except for companionship.

M'Ginnis glanced at the ring upon that narrow palm, a ring wrought into the semblance of two hands that clasped each other, looked closer, drew in his breath suddenly, then straightened his shoulders and threw back his head. "No!" he answered, frowning into Soapy's imperturbable face, "what th' hell made you think it was?"