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He had for Empress a sister of Burggraf Friedrich's; which high lady, unknown to us otherwise, except by her tomb at Heidelberg, we remember for her brother's sake. Kaiser Rupert great-grandson of that Kur-Pfalz who was Kaiser Ludwig's elder brother is the culminating point of the Electors Palatine; the highest that Heidelberg produced.

But no son of his succeeded Ludwig as Kaiser, successor in the Reich was that Pfaffen-Kaiser, Johann of Bohemia's son, a Luxemburger once more. No son of Ludwig's; nor did any descendant, except, after four hundred years, that unfortunate Kaiser Karl VII., in Maria Theresa's time. He was a descendant. Of whom we shall hear more than enough.

"Good night, boys!" said Peter's voice from under the covers. "Good night," called back everybody but Jacob, who already lay snoring beside the captain. "I say," shouted Carl after a moment, "don't sneeze, anybody. Ludwig's in a fright!" "No such thing," retorted Ludwig in a smothered voice.

In one called canine angina, because the patient's tongue hangs out of his mouth, somewhat the same as from an overheated dog in the summer time, while at the same time the mouth is held open and he draws his breath pantingly, Arculanus suggests an unfavorable prognosis, and would seem to refer to those cases of Ludwig's angina in which there is involvement of the tongue and in which our prognosis continues to be of the very worst even to our own day.

"Marie, you said once to me: 'Give me a mother a woman whom I can love, one that will love me. When I leave you, Marie, I shall not leave you here without some one to care for you. I will give you a mother a woman you will love, and who will love you in return." A gleam of sunshine brightened the young girl's face; she flung her arms around Ludwig's neck, and laughed for very joy.

She came to visit me at twelve o'clock the next day. I was alone in the study. Poopendyke was showing Mr. Bangs over the castle. She was dressed in a gown of some soft grey material, and there was a bunch of violets at her girdle. "I came to dress your hand for you," she said as I helped her down from Red Ludwig's frame.

"The creature is really a harmless human being, Marie, and I am sorry we became so excited over it. Our neighbor, the lovely baroness, is trying to restore the poor lad to his original condition. Next summer you will not need to be afraid to venture into the lake again." The little maid gazed thoughtfully into Ludwig's eyes for several moments; evidently she was pondering over something.

Marie and Henry at once conducted the doctor to Ludwig's chamber. Henry first thrust his head cautiously through the partly open door, then whispered that his master was still tossing deliriously about on the bed; whereupon the doctor summoned courage to enter the room. His first act was to snuff the candle, the wick having become so charred it scarcely gave any light.

Ancestor of those famed Protestant "Palatines"; of all the Palatines or Pfalzes that reign in these late centuries. Ancestor of the present Bavarian Majesty; Kaiser Ludwig's race having died out. Ancestor of the unfortunate Winterkönig, Friedrich, King of Bohemia, who is too well known in English history ancestor also of Charles XII of Sweden, a highly creditable fact of the kind to him.

The Princess looked after his personal comfort with as motherly an affection as Madame Breuning had done. The etiquette of the Palace however, offended Ludwig's love of Bohemianism, especially the dressing for dinner at a certain time. He took to dining at a tavern quite frequently, and finally engaged lodgings.