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Sally gasped, and clenched her mittened hands hard upon the reins as she remembered that Lorton's bye trail skirted the edge of a very steep bank, but she lost neither her collectedness nor her nerve.

I promised I'd take them along to him." "You should have told me. It's most a league round by Lorton's place," said Sally. "That won't take long with this team. Have you any great objections to another fifteen minutes' drive with me?" Sally looked up at him, and the moonlight was on her face, which was a very comely one. "No," she admitted, "I haven't any."

He is gone to Connemara, I believe, to fish, for he is a little mad about fishing; and very ungrateful it is of me to say so, for he sent to us from Boyle the finest trout! and a trout of Davy's catching is, I presume, worth ten trouts caught by vulgar mortals. Sneyd went with him to Boyle, saw Lord Lorton's fine place, and spent a pleasant day. Two of Mr.

"You war not! faix but you war in the wrong then, Captain, for they had fine sport, right away behind Lord Lorton's new farms right to Boyle. I wonder yer honer warn't in it." "Seeing you know very well I was arresting prisoners up at Loch Sheen, Mr. Brady, your wonder is wonderful." "Sorrow a taste I knew then, Captain.

Sally gasped, and clenched her mittened hands hard upon the reins as she remembered that Lorton's by-trail skirted the edge of a very steep bank, but she lost neither her collectedness nor her nerve.

"It's a sack of some kind, isn't it?" she asked. "Yes," Hawtrey answered, "it's a couple of three-bushel bags. Some special seed Lorton sent to Winnipeg for. Ormond brought them out from the railroad. I promised I'd take them along to him." "You should have told me. It's most a league round by Lorton's place," Sally returned with reproach in her voice. "That won't take long with this team.