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"Don' know, honey," said she, after a long meditation; "can't tell ye nuffin 'bout dat, nohow. But jes' go right on wid yer plans, an' de Lord'll find a way fur ye. He ken do it, he ken do it, chile." But the question was not settled in Noll's mind. It was not a thing to be undertaken without much deliberation, and, as yet, only the vaguest of schemes floated through his mind.

Don't come back ef ye heah shootin', but keep straight on, fur we kin take keer o' this crowd without enny help. glen, you sasshay up the mounting thar ez fast ez the Lord'll let ye. I'll be arter ye right spry." All sped away as directed. Fortner had been loading his gun while speaking.

"Your heart's in the right place and the Lord'll surely bless ye for yer goodness," she said as she took it, and then Albert, bidding her good morning, walked away. He little realized how soon that crust of bread, cast upon the waters, would return and bless him.

He's in a hurry to get back and pay his sutler's bill." The teamster gasped out: "You'd better all git out o' here as fast as the Lord'll let you. Johnson's Division's cut all to pieces and runnin'. There'll be a million rebels on top o' you in another minnit." "Capt.

The Elder went up to him and said, with real kindness of tone, "Mr. Ganew, I expect you can't believe it, but I don't bear ye the least ill-will." A faint flicker of something like grateful surprise passed over the hard face, but no words came. "I hope the Lord'll bring ye to himself yet," persisted the good man, "and forgive me for havin' had anything but pity for ye from the first on't.

You'll meet Folsom and Graham with the other two sections of empties where you can: you'll run as fast as the Lord'll let you on such a track as you have: but above all, you'll stay on the rails. If you ditch yourself, it'll go hard with Mr. Ford." "I'll do all thim things and wan more and thot wan is the shtiffest av thim all: the saints aidin' me, Misther Leckhard, I'll shtay awake."

And he conducted Shorty with much mystery to a place behind the haymow, where he had secreted an old single-barreled pistol and a falseface. "You little brat," said Shorty, "git all them fool notions out o' your head. This 's the best home you'll ever see, and you stay here just as long as the Lord'll let you. You're playin' in high luck to be here. Don't you ever leave, on no account."

They swarmed in upon Jake like the locusts into Egypt. Others flung their nondescript wind-worn hats upon the floor, brushed their hair with their fingers and went into the dining-room as if going into a farm-kitchen in threshing time. The girls were in a flutter of haste, and giggled and bumped against each other trying to serve the dinner to order "Quick as the Lord'll let yeh."

"Depend upon it you'll get the itch, or some other disease; the blessing of the Lord'll never rest upon it," said the Boer-woman. Then suddenly she broke forth. "And she eighty-two, and goats, and rams, and eight thousand morgen, and the rams real angora, and two thousand sheep, and a short-horn bull," said Tant Sannie, standing upright and planting a hand on each hip.

Ay, ay," said she shortly afterwards, "stay until tomorrow then. The Lord'll make it all right for you for the sake of your good heart. We don't have much chance of seeing each other, we two." The next day it was no better; Maren had not the strength to send the child away. There was so much to tell her, and what was one day after the accumulation of months of sorrow and longing?