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"Look'ee, child," cries the colonel; "I tell you I am for my own part satisfied; for I am convinced that a man who will fight can never be a rascal; and, therefore, why should you enquire any more of me at present? when I see my brother James, I hope to reconcile all matters, and perhaps no more swords need be drawn on this occasion."

"Look'ee, child," cries the colonel; "I tell you I am for my own part satisfied; for I am convinced that a man who will fight can never be a rascal; and, therefore, why should you enquire any more of me at present? when I see my brother James, I hope to reconcile all matters, and perhaps no more swords need be drawn on this occasion."

Kneel, Orson, bend bend thy long shanks, look'ee " and forthwith on their knees fell Jenkyn and tall Orson with pleading eyes and eager hands outstretched. "O master, look'ee, let us go!" "Aye, we do ha' changed our minds, master!" "Then be it so!" said Beltane, "and I pray ye be ever faithful to your minds!"

Look'ee, deary; give me three-and- sixpence, and don't you be afeard for me. I'll get back to London then, and trouble no one. I'm in a business. Ah, me! It's slack, it's slack, and times is very bad! but I can make a shift to live by it. 'Do you eat opium? 'Smokes it, she replies with difficulty, still racked by her cough. 'Give me three-and-sixpence, and I'll lay it out well, and get back.

Nor yet I don't intend to advertise myself in the newspapers by the name of A.M. come back from Botany Bay; and years have rolled away, and who's to gain by it? Still, look'ee here, Pip. If the danger had been fifty times as great, I should ha' come to see you, mind you, just the same." "And how long do you remain?"

"First," I resumed, half groaning, "what precautions can be taken against your being recognized and seized?" "No, dear boy," he said, in the same tone as before, "that don't go first. Lowness goes first. I ain't took so many year to make a gentleman, not without knowing what's due to him. Look'ee here, Pip. I was low; that's what I was; low. Look over it, dear boy."

June promised to keep on his good behavior, saying: "That's just what I've made up my mind to do. But look'ee here: Suppose he goes on the war path, you can't expect me to show the white feather, nor let him run any sandys over me. I loved his wife once and am not ashamed of it, and he knows it.

"Well, well," says Sophia, "I believe I may ensure your virtue at a very cheap rate, without carrying any arms with us; for I intend to take horses at the very first town we come to, and we shall hardly be attacked in our way thither. Look'ee, Honour, I am resolved to go; and if you will attend me, I promise you I will reward you to the very utmost of my power."

"'Tis the law," he repeated, "and moreover with such vast wealth a man shall buy anything in this world even vengeance, Martin. Look'ee now, here's the secret of our treasure." Hereupon he thrust his hand into his breast and drew out a small oilskin packet or bag, suspended about his lean throat by a thin steel chain, and from this he drew forth a small roll of parchment.

From his look and the manner in which he handled it, it was plain that he now regarded that souvenir with more reverence than ever. I had fallen into a sort of reverie. My mind was occupied with the incidents I had just witnessed, when a voice, which I recognised as that of old Rube, roused me from my abstraction. "Look'ee hyur, boyees!