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"'Fraid of 'Lonzo's crowd spyin' on us?" Captain Cy did not reply. He did not even sit down, but remained standing, his back to the stove. "Well?" he asked shortly. "Did you fellers want to see me for anything 'special?" "Wanted to see what had struck you all to once," replied Mr. Tidditt. "Bailey says you scared him half to death this forenoon.

But even Tad Simpson's glad; he says that he knows Heman will be pleased with THAT kind of a candidate and so he won't have to do any more huntin'. He thinks 'Lonzo's comin' out by himself this way is a kind of special Providence." "Yes, yes! I shouldn't wonder. Did you ever notice how dead sure Tad and his kind are that Providence is workin' with 'em?

Only I'm always suspicious when Tad pats Providence on the back. I generally figure that I can see through a doughnut, when there's a light behind the hole. Who is 'Lonzo's best friend in this town? Who does he chum with most of anybody?" "Why, Darius Ellis, I guess. You know it." "Um hum. And Darius is on the committee why?"

"Well, I s'pose 'cause Heman Atkins thought he'd be a good feller to have there. But " "Yes, and 'Lonzo's pew in church is right under the Atkins memorial window. The light from it makes a kind of halo round his bald head every Sunday." "Well, what of it? Heman, nor nobody else, could buy 'Lonzo Snow." "Buy him? Indeed they couldn't.