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"My dear," the old gentleman panted, "Brent has finished the railroad and just this morning sent it over to Jane! We're celebrating!" "Oh," she sank into her place with a sigh of relief, "I am so thankful it is no worse!" "Worse! Why, God bless my " but he checked himself in Miss Liz's presence.

She's keepin' back a child from its hown mother!" And with that she made a fierce attack on the shawl, and succeeded in dragging the infant from Liz's reluctant arms. Wakened thus roughly from its slumbers, the poor mite set up a feeble wailing; its mother, enraged at the sound, shook it violently till it gasped for breath. "Drat the little beast!" she cried.

On reaching a certain part from which he had been wont to descry the chimney of old Liz's hut, he perceived that the familiar object was gone, and uttered a mighty roar of horror. The half-breed in the bow ceased paddling, and looked back in alarm.

He worked her with his one son Seth, a widow-man of forty, and Seth's son, young Eli, aged fifteen, Liz's father and brother. The boat paid well from the first, and the Tregenzas the three generations took a monstrous pride in her. It was Elder Penno who had advanced the borrowed seventy-five pounds, of course taking security in the boat and upon an undertaking that Tregenza kept her insured.

No doubt she owed this to her upbringing, having lived always alone with her father, and knowing very few of her own sex. But she listened patiently to Liz's minute account of the spring clothes she had in view, and even tried to make some suggestions on her own account.

I'll be all right, when I get outside of one of Mam Liz's dinners. It was that baby of Jensen's that kept me. Poor little chap. I thought, two or three times he was going to make a die of it sure, but I guess he'll pull through now." Dr. Oldham knew the Jensens well, eighteen miles over the worst roads in the country.

Looking ahead, he saw nothing bright a long stretch of grey years, which held nothing beautiful or satisfying or worthy of attainment a melancholy condition of mind, truly, for a young, prosperous, and healthy man. In the midst of this deep depression came the letter from Gladys conveying the news of Liz's sudden and strange flight from Bourhill.

With a stealthy look toward Miss Liz's windows he backed into the shrubbery and transferred the julep to a place where it might receive more consideration; then, after doing a few steps of a double-shuffle, he emerged and walked airily to the house. Brent's room was across the hall from Dale's.

"The subject is quite a closed book to him," Jane sweetly replied, and the Colonel was threatened with another coughing spell. "I didn't say anything against heroes," the engineer explained, "except that none of them can measure up to our heroines." But from the toss of Miss Liz's head this had not brought him a grain of grace. "What hero did I malign?"

'Dear me, how doleful you look! she cried gaily. 'How can you look so dreadfully doleful on such a bright day? Now tell me every simple, solitary thing you are thinking. A swift, rather startled glance crossed Liz's face, and she gave rather a forced laugh. 'That wadna be easy.