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Full many a clyster was applied, And purging, too, was also tried. His doctor, versed in sciences, With wig beneath his hat, Argued and showed with wondrous ease, From Celsus and Hippocrates, When he in judgment sat, "Right worshipful the mayor of hell, The liver's wrong, I see full well." "He's but a booby," Pluto said, "With all his trash and pills! A man like me pray where's his head?

"I don't know what I should be shiverin' for on a night like this," he grumbled. "Maybe I've gotten a dose of fever. I've been feelin' a bit queer all day." When he went to bed he took some quinine, and next morning he felt better, but a little washed out, as though he were recovering from a debauch. "I guess my liver's out of order," he said, and he took a pill.

The least thing worries me to death. I shall have to go to Bath." "Bath!" said Nicholas. "I've tried Harrogate. That's no good. What I want is sea air. There's nothing like Yarmouth. Now, when I go there I sleep...." "My liver's very bad," interrupted Swithin slowly. "Dreadful pain here;" and he placed his hand on his right side. "Want of exercise," muttered James, his eyes on the china.

"Merci du compliment!" Her jangling laugh rang out as if a stick had been smartly rattled down the keys of a piano. But her eyes were wet. His own eyes reverted to his reflection in the toilet-glass. Now his sudden bellow made her drop the comb. "My Aunt Maria! See what you've been and done! Made a Loop Railway down the middle of my head, unless my liver's making me see things curly.

'Have a smoke, said Henry, pretending not to notice this peculiar conduct and pushing the tobacco jar towards him. 'No thanks, old man, he replied. 'I'm giving up smoking for a time. It was now Henry's turn to look surprised. 'Giving up smoking, he ejaculated. 'What's wrong is it your liver? 'No, no, my liver's all right. 'Your lungs, then? 'Of course, not.

'I'm sure I don't! Please make out a wholesome bill of fare, and I'll stick to it, if I can. I am getting stout, and I don't like it; and my liver's torpid, and I have palpitations and headache. Overwork, mother says; but it may be overeating. And Stuffy gave a sigh of mingled regret for the good things he renounced, and relief as he finished loosening his belt as soon as his hand was free.

"Draycott's a bumptious, pedantic old fool. Fancies he knows everything. A brute!" "Take a couple of pills, Mark; your liver's out of order." "Put an angel's liver out of order to be here! I won't put up with much more of it, and so I'll tell him. I shall dress as I like, and do as I like, even if I haven't got a handle to my name. Sir Richard, indeed! a pattern for me to follow!

Daily enemas or colonics administered during fasting or while on cleansing diets effectively remove old fecal material stored in the colon and immediately ease the livers load, immediately relieve discomfort by allowing the liver's efforts to further detoxify the blood, and speed healing.

And he must be content also to find that very few people sympathise with him. For when a man is a confirmed grumbler at everything, no one afflicts himself much about his lamentations, but puts it all down to his infirmity. "Poor fellow, his digestion isn't good, or his liver's out of order!" they will say, and think no more about it.

The least thing worries me to death. I shall have to go to Bath." "Bath!" said Nicholas. "I've tried Harrogate. That's no good. What I want is sea air. There's nothing like Yarmouth. Now, when I go there I sleep...." "My liver's very bad," interrupted Swithin slowly. "Dreadful pain here;" and he placed his hand on his right side. "Want of exercise," muttered James, his eyes on the china.