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Light-o'-loves, gay and careless; hideous old crones, who watched the unwary and stole the unwary's bets; old women in black, who figured and figured imaginary winnings and never risked anything but their nerves. And there were beautiful women, beautifully gowned, beautifully gemmed, some of them good, some of them indifferent, and some of them bad.

Herewith she drew a kerchief across my lips, and I began, being most eager to instruct her innocence as to this accursed man "Lady " but alas! no miracle was wrought for a sinner like me. Howbeit I am inclined to believe that the kerchief was no saintly thing, and had never come near the body of the blessed Colette, but rather was a gift from one of the cordelier's light-o'-loves.

For, like the world's pageant, it is neither tragedy nor comedy, but a tragi-comic history, in which the intrigues of amorous men and light-o'-loves and the brokerage of panders are mingled with the deliberations of sages and the strife and the death of heroes.

At the words a sword flashed from its scabbard, and De Pontbriand stood fierce and defiant before his friend. "So!" he shouted, "it was Marguerite de Roberval you dared to kiss you, whose lips are polluted with the kisses of a thousand light-o'-loves! Draw, and defend yourself!" "Draw, Claude! Never!" and he drew his cloak more closely about him, so as not to let it be seen that he was unarmed.

Parsifal.... He remembers that as one of the names his mother had called him by, once, as she lay asleep and dreaming. The voice continues: "Here remain, Parsifal.... You simple light-o'-loves, depart from him. Early withering flowers, he is destined to other things than dalliance with you!"