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And when the shafts of the two regards which met rankled in his heart, he repeated these two couplets, "She 'spied the moon of Heaven, reminding me * Of nights when met we in the meadows li'en: True, both saw moons, but sooth to say, it was * Her very eyes I saw, and she my eyne." And when she drew near him, and there remained but two paces between them, he recited these two couplets,

"His cheek down writeth on his cheek with ambergris on pearl * Two lines, like jet on apple li'en, the goodliest design: Slaughter is in those languid eyne whene'er a glance they deal, * And drunkenness in either cheek and not in any wine." When I read the poetry on the handkerchief the flames of love darted into my heart, and yearning and pining redoubled their smart.

'A thin waist maid who shames the willow wand; * Nor sun nor moon can like her rising shine: 'Tis as her honey dew of lips were blent * With wine, and pearls of teeth were bathed in wine: Her form, like heavenly Houri's, graceful slim; * Fair face; and ruin dealt by glancing eyne: How many a dead done man her eyes have slain * Upon her way of love in ruin li'en: An live I she's my death!

"O ye who fled and left my heart in pain low li'en, * No breath of life if found within this frame of mine: I have an eye which e'er complains of wake, but lo! * Tears occupy it would that wake content these eyne! After ye marched forth the lover 'bode behind; * Question of him what pains your absence could design!