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The stars have not a possibility Of blessing thee; If things then from their end we happy call, 'T is hope is the most hopeless thing of all. Hope, thou bold taster of delight, Who, whilst thou shouldst but taste, devour'st it quite! Thou bring'st us an estate, yet leav'st us poor, By clogging it with legacies before!

"This messenger shall give my news to thee; * Patience what while my sight thou canst not see: A lover leav'st in love's insanity, * Whose eyne abide on wake incessantly: I suffer patience-pangs in woes that none * Of men can medicine; such my destiny! Keep cool thine eyes; ne'er shall my heart forget, * Nor without dream of thee one day shall be.

Our lives belong to love. DON CESAR. What calls me hence DON MANUEL. Enough! thou leav'st thy heart. DON CAESAR. No envious secret Shall part us long; soon the last darkening fold Shall vanish from my breast. Attend!

"Get him the time's long grudge, the court's ill-will, And, reconciled, keep him suspected still, Make him lose all his friends, and, what is worse, Almost all ways to any better course; With me thou leav'st a better Muse than thee, And which thou brought'st me, blessed Poverty." We wish to learn philosophy by rote, and play at heroism.

"Thou art not gone being gone, where'er thou art, Thou leav'st in him thy watchful eyes, in him thy loving heart." In the noon and the afternoon of life we still throb at the recollection of days when happiness was not happy enough, but must be drugged with the relish of pain and fear; for he touched the secret of the matter who said of love, "All other pleasures are not worth its pains:"

Disease, thou art a fearful thing When, half disarmed by household care, Thou sweepest with thy poison wing, O'er the loved forms to which we cling, And bending to the sweet and fair, Leav'st thy corroding mildew there!

But think that death hath now enfranchis'd thee; Thou hast thy expansion now, and liberty; Think, that a rusty piece discharg'd is flown In pieces, and the bullet is his own, And freely flies; this to thy soul allow, Think thy shell broke, think thy soul hatched but now. They were sometimes indelicate and disgusting. Cowley thus apostrophizes beauty: Thou tyrant, which leav'st no man free!

On many points they agreed, but not on all; and those who differed from him feared that his continued residence among them might excite a party spirit, and mar that peace which had hitherto reigned in their community. My child, my child, thou leav'st me!