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I shall therefore give you a holiday, for the remainder of the day. The four boys in question will proceed, at once, to Admiral Langton's, as they will be required to accompany him to Kingston, where the prisoners will be brought up before the magistrates."

Oh, Hilda, I think I never ought to have come out here. Langton's right in a way. We clergy have said the same thing so often that we forget how it strikes a practical common-sense man. But there must be an answer somewhere, if I only knew it. Meantime I'm like a doctor among the dying who cannot diagnose the disease.

"The best of women," ran a saying of Batty Langton's, "if you watch 'em, are always practising; even the youngest, as a kitten plays with a leaf." They stood in silence, waiting for the chair to overtake them. "Tatty, you are a heroine!" Miss Quiney, unwinding a shawl from her head under the hall-lamp, released herself from Ruth's embrace. Her nerve had been strained and needed a recoil.

As a matter of fact, Hugh Fitzjames was the cousin of these girls, and for many years had been a member of Dr. Langton's household. Now he was living at St. Alban Hall, and Dalaber was his most intimate friend and comrade, sharing the same double chamber with him.

All of them replied in the affirmative, and desired me to represent them, if there should be any meeting for this purpose. At the time appointed I met my friends. I read over the substance of the conversation which had taken place at Mr. Langton's. No difficulty occurred. All were unanimous for the formation of a committee. On the next day we met by agreement for this purpose.

'Of course, she said, 'if you must take the woman, you must." He ended with a short laugh. Ruth did not laugh. Her mind was masculine at many points, but like a true woman she detested ironical speech. "That is Mr. Langton's way of talking," she said; "and you are using it to hide your feelings. Will you tell me her name? her Christian name only?" "She was called Margaret Margaret Dance.

The plain sarcophagus is partly within and partly outside the chapel, for when it was rebuilt in the fourteenth century it was extended so much to the east that it became necessary either to move Langton's tomb or else to make an arch in the wall, and the latter course was taken, with the curious result still to be seen.

After he had done this, Captain Langton's eye fell upon Bob; who smiled, and made a bow. "I ought to know you," the captain said. "I have certainly seen your face somewhere." "It was at Admiral Langton's, sir. My name is Bob Repton." "Of course it is," the officer said, shaking him cordially by the hand. "But what on earth are you doing here?

See "Childhood and Youth of Charles Dickens," by Robert Langton, a very valuable monograph. Mr. Langton appears to doubt whether John Dickens was not imprisoned in the King's Bench. But this seems scarcely a point on which Dickens himself can have been mistaken. According to Mr. Langton's dates, he would still be drawing his pay. See paper entitled "Our School."

"Not he," Bob said. "I could not make out his figure at all, and it is darker on this side of the road than it is on the other. "I say, you fellows, I think he is up to no good." "What do you mean, Bob?" "Well, what should a cart be standing on the hill for, at this time in the morning? That's Admiral Langton's, I know; the door is just where the cart was stopping."