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And when you've caught the burglars and got the swag back you just give me a quid for luck. I won't ask for more." "Come along in, then," said Johnson, "if the young ladies'll excuse the towel. But I bet you do want something more off of me. Else why not claim the reward yourself?" "Great is the wisdom of Johnson he speaks winged words."

All I ask is, as these young gents and ladies'll bring some parsley seed into the dream, and a penn'orth of radish seed, and threepenn'orth of onion, and I wouldn't mind goin' to fourpence or fippence for mixed kale, only I ain't got a brown, so I don't deceive you. And there's one thing more, you might take away the parson.

Solomon Black waited modestly till this gratifying demonstration had subsided, then she went on: "I guess most of you ladies'll r'member how one short year ago Miss Lyddy Orr Bolton came a'walkin' int' our midst, lookin' sweet an' modest, like she was; and how down-in-th'-mouth we was all a-feelin', 'count o' havin' no money t' buy th' things we'd worked s' hard t' make.

Now, off with ye. Th' ladies'll be wantin' somethin' t' quiet their nerves. Git on that horse, me frisky groom; hustle!" Warburton mechanically climbed into the saddle. It never occurred to him to parley, to say that he couldn't ride a horse. The inventive cells of his usually fertile brain lay passive. "Now," went on the officer, mounting his own nag, "will ye go quietly?

The passengers all started the captain brought his hands together with a tremendous clap, and exclaimed: "Murder will out! But who'd have thought I was to be the man to find out the secret of the Carmi Chums? Guess I'll be the biggest man on the New Orleans levee, after all. Yes, certainly of course some ladies'll go and a preacher, too, if there's such a man aboard. Hold up, though we'll all go.

"I see whar my hair was short, an' I snatched up a hot dish from de hearth, opened de oven do', an' slide de goose in jes as he was, an' lay him down befo' Marsa John. "'Now see what de ladies'll have for dinner, says old marsa, pickin' up his caarvin' knife. "'What'll you take for dinner, miss? says I. 'Baked ham?

"I said I'm goin' to take you home with me." "You are you are going to take me away from here here where all the ladies'll laugh at me because I'm charity? But but Oh, I'll have to come back again even if you do take me, I'll have to come back again and be Oh, I want to die I'd rather die!" Drusilla took the hands from the wrinkled face and held them in her own.

"I thought 'twould be kind of nice, seeing our minister was just married, and so, in a way, this is a wedding reception. I don't know what the rest of you ladies'll think." Abby Daggett stood with clasped hands, her big soft bosom rising and falling in a sort of ecstasy. "Why, Phoebe," she said, "it's a real poem! It couldn't be no han'somer if it had been done right up in heaven!"

"Monday morning I put my shoulder-blade to the wheel somewhere." "Well, if the ladies'll stand for this month," said the man, evidently anxious to get away, "I'll wait a week longer on the back rent." Miss Lady was preoccupied and silent on the way home. The world sometimes seemed desperately sordid, and human nature a baffling proposition. At her gate Mrs.

"I am a natural born liar always was. I know that it must appear dreadful to you that never told a lie, and don't hardly know what a lie is, belonging as you do to a class where none is ever told. But common people like me tells lies just as a duck swims. I ask your pardon, Miss, most humble, and I hope the young ladies'll be able to tell one set of skates from t'other; for I'm blest if I can."