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Acqueducts. The subterranean acqueducts were constructed, which convey the water of the Canal de L'Ourcq throughout the different quarters of Paris, from whence a vast number of small fountains distribute them in every direction, to refresh the streets during the summer season, and to cleanse them in the winter; these same channels being also formed to receive the waters which flow from the gutters in the streets.

The canal de l'Ourcq is one of the principal water sources of Paris. The market boats or vessels upon it and at La Villette are so numerous that Marseilles and Havre alone outrank it in shipping.

The Hotel Dieu. The whole façade of this immense Hospital was reconstructed. The Canal de L'Ourcq. This grand undertaking was rendered navigable, and the basin, sluices, &c. completely finished. Of the numerous means employed to commemorate the achievements of Napoleon, the public buildings and monuments of France bear ample witness.

I crossed the Canal de l'Ourcq, and watched it stretching like a steel tape to meet the Canal Saint Denis and the Canal Saint-Martin in the great basin at La Villette a construction which, finished in 1809, was the making of La Villette as a commercial and industrial entrepôt.

She paused, and that quick look of furtive terror, which was so often to be met with in the eyes of the timid these days, crept into her wrinkled face. "Well, citizeness," Chauvelin rejoined quietly, "why don't you proceed? That awful house, you were saying. Where and what is that awful house of which you speak?" "The place kept by citizen Leridan, just by Bassin de l'Ourcq," the woman murmured.

We had ours directly from our own woods in the country, and it was en route, but a flotilla of boats was frozen up in the Canal de l'Ourcq, and it might be weeks before the wood could be delivered.

The Quai de la Seine is a broad road, connecting the Rue de Flandres with the canal de l'Ourcq. On the left-hand side it is bordered with miserable shanties interspersed with some tiny shops, and several huge coal depots. On the right-hand side that next to the canal there are also a few provision stores.