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Even with the French and English teachers; I observed that they treated me with more consideration. And so, I reflected within myself again over Dr. Sandford's observation, "L'habit, c'est l'homme." Of course, it was a consideration given to my clothes, a consideration also to be given up if I did not wear such clothes. I saw all that. The world knew me, just for the moment.

A correspondent of The Gentleman's Magazine, who subscribes himself SCIOLUS, to whom I am indebted for several excellent remarks, observes, 'The turn of Dr. "On s'étonne ici que Caliste Ait pris l'habit de Moliniste. Puisque cette jeune beauté Ote

"She is changed " said Miss St. Clair, with a look I could not quite make out. "No," I said, "I hope I am not changed." "Your dress is," said St. Clair. I thought of Dr. Sandford's "L'habit c'est l'homme." "My mother had this dress made," I said; "and I ordered the other one; that is all the difference." "You're on the right side of the difference, then," said Miss St. Clair.

"She is changed," said Miss St. Clair, with a look I could not quite make out. "No," I said; "I hope I am not changed." "Your dress is," said St. Clair. I thought of Dr. Sandford's "L'habit, c'est l'homme". "My mother had this dress made," I said; "and I ordered the other one; that is all the difference." "You're on the right side of the difference, then," said Miss St. Clair.

Even with the French and English teachers; I observed that they treated me with more consideration. And so I reflected within myself again over Dr. Sandford's observation, "L'habit, c'est l'homme." Of course it was a consideration given to my clothes, a consideration also to be given up if I did not wear such clothes. I saw all that. The world knew me, just for the moment.

He had encouraged, during his competition for the Prix de Rome, this member of the Institute who to-day represented national art at the Villa Médicis; he had seen this composer, now a millionaire, beg for a private rehearsal as he might ask alms, and slip into one's hands concert tickets for the Herz hall. He was the first to point out the verses of the poet who now wore l'habit vert.

"Daisy," said he, "are you going to make yourself unlike other people?" "Only my dress, Dr. Sandford," I said. "L'habit, c'est l'homme! " he answered gravely, shaking his head. I remembered his question and words many times in the course of the next six months. In a day or two more my dress was done, and Dr. Sandford went with me to introduce me at the school.

"Daisy," said he, "are you going to make yourself unlike other people?" "Only my dress, Dr. Sandford," I said. "L'habit, c'est l'homme! " he answered gravely, shaking his head. I remembered his question and words many times in the course of the next six months. In a day or two more my dress was done, and Dr. Sandford went with me to introduce me at the school.

At the age of about twenty he was thrown into the Bastille; for having written a satire on Louis XIV., of which the following is an extract: "J'ai vu sous l'habit d'une femme Un démon nous donner la loi; Elle sacrifia son Dieu, sa foi, son âme, Pour séduire l'esprit d'un trop crédule roi.