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But the matter is of such importance, that one must passer pardessus toutes ces finesses de sentiment. Il y va du bonheur et de l'existence d'Anne et de ses enfants. I won't speak of myself, though it's hard for me, very hard," he said, with an expression as though he were threatening someone for its being hard for him.

"Le mystère de l'existence," said Madame de Stael to her daughter, "c'est la rapport de nos erreurs avec nos peines." And although there was in her, in her character, and in her terrible situation, a concentration of all the interests that belong to humanity, she was nevertheless a murderess.

She was always bored; and her later letters are a series of variations on the perpetual theme of 'ennui. 'C'est une maladie de l'âme, she says, 'dont nous afflige la nature en nous donnant l'existence; c'est le ver solitaire qui absorbe tout. And again, 'l'ennui est l'avant-goût du néant, mais le néant lui est préférable. Her existence had become a hateful waste a garden, she said, from which all the flowers had been uprooted and which had been sown with salt.

I quote a few words; though even in them the spirit in which the whole book is conceived does not fail to make itself felt: L'heure ou une creation nouvelle recoit son nom est solennelle; car le nom est le signe definitif de l'existence. C'est par le nom qu'un etre individuel ou collectif devient lui-meme, et sort d'un autre.

He wrote for his friends or for the Duke of Burgundy, lavishing the treasures of his mind and spirit upon his letters of spiritual guidance, composing, in order to convince the Duke of Orleans, his Traite de l'Existence de Dieu, indifferent as to the preservation of the sermons he preached every Sunday, paying more attention to the plans of government he addressed to the young dauphin than to the publication of his works.

III. p. 233. "Sur ces montagnes pelees on ne voit pas un arbre, pas un arbriseau, pas un arbuste; rien, en un mot, qui puisse faire souponner l'existence de queque terre vegetale.

III. p. 233. "Sur ces montagnes pelees on ne voit pas un arbre, pas un arbriseau, pas un arbuste; rien, en un mot, qui puisse faire souponner l'existence de queque terre vegetale.

About the nature of women he read in Michelet. But he must send me La Vie de Jesus by M. Leo Taxil. Lent it to his friend. C'est tordant, vous savez. Moi, je suis socialiste. Je ne crois pas en l'existence de Dieu. Faut pas le dire a mon p-re. Il croit? Mon pere, oui. Schluss. He laps. My Latin quarter hat. God, we simply must dress the character. I want puce gloves.

La Terre vient de sortir des MAINS du CREATEUR. Des causes preparees par sa SAGESSE font developper de toutes parts les Germes. Les Etres organises commencent a jouir de l'existence. Ils etoient probablement alors bien differens de ce qu'ils sont aujourd'hui. Ils l'etoient autant que ce premier Monde differoit de celui que nous habitons.

CHRIST. WITTICHII, "Anti-Spinoza, sive Examen," 1690. PIERRE POIRET, "Fundamenta Atheismi Eversa, sive Specimen Absurditatis Spinozianæ." FENELON, "De l'Existence de Dieu," p. II., c. III., "Refutation du Spinozisme." HUET, "La Conformité de la Raison avec la Foi," 1692. HOWE, "Living Temple," I. 262. S. CLARKE, "Discourse on the Being and Attributes of God," pp. 25, 44, 58, 80.