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That's right. Must l'arn as he did it, afore I does it. But when I have l'arned ! And John Crumb clenched his fist as though a very short lesson would suffice for him upon this occasion. They all went to the Beccles Station, and from thence to the Beccles Post-office, so that Beccles soon knew as much about it as Bungay. At the railway station Ruby was distinctly remembered.

"I wouldn't trust none o' ye farther than I could sling an elephant by his tail! As for Hopewell Drugg he never was no good, and he never will be wuth ha'f as much again!" "Well, well, well," chuckled Uncle Jason, easily. "How did this here sufferin-yet l'arn so much about the tribes o' men? I 'spect she was a spinster lady?" "She was a Miss Pogannis," was the tart reply. "Ya-as," drawled Mr. Day.

Mose looked at him with a dry grin, sat down in the rocking-chair and began to rock himself. "What did yo' mother send you after, Mose?" Margaret inquired. "Cup o' v v v v v " "Can't you write it down?" Jasper inquired. "Kik kik kik ki kan' can't write." "Don't you think you mout go off somewhar an' l'arn?" "Ain't got got tity tity t t time."

"Youth is the time to l'arn; and I'm far from wishing to raise my voice in counsel, afore it is justified by exper'ence." "Well, then, I'll teach you the disadvantage of fighting in this position, and the advantage of taking to the open lake.

Hain't had much time for readin'. But it's kind of pleasant to l'arn what other folks has done in the world by pickin' up a book. T-takes your mind off things don't it?" Wetherell felt like saying that his reading had not been able to do that lately. Then he made the plunge, and shuddered as he made it. "Mr. Bass I I have been waiting to speak to you about that mortgage."

Even the fa'ans get to know the tricks of the hunters afore a single season is over, and an Indian whose eyes have once been opened by a sarcumvention never shuts them ag'in in precisely the same spot. I've known whites to do that, but never a red-skin. What they l'arn comes by practice, and not by books, and of all schoolmasters exper'ence gives lessons that are the longest remembered."

"'She's mighty anxious to l'arn, says Jud. 'She wants a pianner awful bad. "'Does she? says the soop'rintendent. 'She oughter have one. "When he come along to the house he says to Jess, who stuck her head outer the door an' looked kinder skeer'd-like, says he, 'I wish yeh'd sing a few songs fer me.

Callate he kin hear as far as the governor's table, and he don't look as if he knows anything. One way he built up his power listenin' when they're talkin' sly out there in the rotunda. They're almighty surprised when they l'arn he knows what they're up to. Guess you understand how to go along by quiet and listen when they're talkin' sly."

Still, it is hard on a mother and wife, to l'arn that her chosen friend has been cut off in the pride of his days and in a distant land. Poor Betsey! It would have been better for us both, had we been satisfied with the little we had; for now the good woman will have to look to all matters for herself." Daggett now remained silent for some time, though his lips moved, most probably in prayer.

Then sticking his chin out wickedly, he slung her suit-case after her and called: "All right, my pretty lady; go yer own gait an' l'arn yer own lesson." He started on again, singing a drunken song. Under the blue, starry dome alone sat Margaret again, this time with no friendly water-tank for her defense, and took counsel with herself.