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Then, in the same year, appeared his sensational report of the discovery of phosphate deposits which he had traced over a long line of country; realizing their commercial value, he insisted that they should be exploited "pour le plus grand bien de l'agriculture francaise et algerienne."

Pontes sublicii utrinque ad eam ferunt, raroque fluvius minuitur ac crescit; sed qualis aestate talis esse solet hyeme." Des Travaux Publics dans leur Rapports avec l'Agriculture, p. 361, note. Causes of Inundations. The immediate cause of river inundations is the flow of superficial and subterranean waters into the beds of rivers faster than those channels can discharge them.

Il est probable qu'on en fera assez pour inquieter les consommateurs des villes, pas assez pour satisfaire l'agriculture.... Si Mademoiselle Reeve voulait faire de jolies peches de truites, c'est le 1er juin qu'elle devrait venir a Eu. From the Duke of Argyll Inveraray, February 13th. The Nile affair is too miserable. No possible issue can be otherwise than a misfortune.

Blaise we observed, under the sign of one of the inns, the sentiment, "Honorez le Roi; soignez l'agriculture" We next proceeded to visit the celebrated lake of Bienne, which is about nine English miles by four. The isle of St. Pierre, so much praised by Rousseau, is situated near the centre of the lake, about a league from Cerlier, where we embarked for it.