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He was always taking out some photographs in the smoke-room and showing them to us old chaps." Tears filled Kathlyn's eyes. In an Indian prison, out of the jurisdiction of the British Raj, and with her two small hands and woman's mind she must free him! Always the mysterious packet lay close to her heart, never for a moment was it beyond the reach of her hand. Her father's freedom!

A snarl from the leopard, answered by a growl from the collie, brought Kathlyn's head about. The cat leaped, but toward Winnie, not the collie. With a cry of terror Winnie turned and ran in the direction of the bungalow. Kathlyn, seizing the leash, followed like the wind, hampered though she was by the apron. The cat loped after the fleeing girl, gaining at each bound.

When the king came around he silently shook hands with me and smiled peculiarly at Umballa, who now came running up." "And that's how you got those poor hands!" exclaimed Kathlyn, kissing the scars which stood out white against the tan. "That's how," raising the hands and putting them on Kathlyn's head in a kind of benediction. "Is that all?" asked Winnie breathlessly.

He would give a good account of himself before those bronze devils in the desert made away with him. He feared not for Kathlyn's death, only her future. For they doubtless had lied to Umballa. They would not kill Kathlyn so long as they believed she was worth a single rupee. Umballa came in, followed by four troopers, who stationed themselves on each side of the door. "Your Majesty "

On the following morning a leopard crossed the trail. Kathlyn seized her rifle and broke its spine. The jabbering of the mahouts would have amused her at any other time. "Good, Mem-sahib," whispered Rao. "You have put fear into their devils' hearts. Good! Chup!" he called. "Stop your noise." After that they gave Kathlyn's dog tent plenty of room.

During the day they should guard the priestess, because, having taken human form, she might some day tire of this particular temple. At night she would be well guarded by the lion. Several awestricken women came forward with bowls of cooked rice and fruits and a new copper drinking vessel. These they reverently placed at Kathlyn's feet.

Bruce did not expect to find any one there. What he wanted was to arm himself and to examine the boulder. Meantime, Ahmed returned with the truant elephant to find nothing but disorder and evidence of a struggle. A tent was overturned, the long grass trampled, and the colonel's sola-topee hat lay crumpled near Kathlyn's tent. "Ai, ai!" he wailed.

Quickly he snatched off the turban of one of the soldiers, unwound it and began to bandage Kathlyn's arm. The man, for all his oriental craftiness, was still guileless enough to expect some sign of gratitude from her; but; as he touched her she shrank in loathing. His anger flamed and he flung her roughly into a seat. "Suffer, then, little fool!"

Nothing could happen now; the world had grown still and calm. The spirit drew the sleeves of the robe snugly about her arms and laid Kathlyn's head upon them and drew her down into a profound slumber. Half a mile to the north of the ruined temple there lay, all unsuspected by Kathlyn, a village a village belonging solely to the poor, mostly ryots or tillers of the soil.

Bruce and Ramabai dropped over the railing to Kathlyn's side. But the key upon which their escape depended would not unlock the door. When Bruce dropped down into the arena to Kathlyn's side he had never given a thought to the possibility of the key not being the right one. Trapped! and Ahmed but a few yards away with a zenana gharry, ready to convey them to the camp, freedom!