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By the way, how do you spell your name? It's an uncommon one." "With two k's." "I wonder if you have anything to do with an old friend of my fattier, Archdeacon Bakkus?" "My eldest brother." "No, really? One of my earliest recollections is his buying a prize boar from my father." "Just like the dear fellow's prodigality," said Bakkus. "He had a whole Archdeaconry to his hand for nothing.

Through binoculars he made out a shape under the water, too large to be a blackfish, lying diagonally across the K's course. The port bow gun fired at the spot, and the ship veered to leave the submarine's location astern. Then the port aft gun crew reported sighting a submarine on the port quarter, and opened fire. The lookouts also reported seeing the submarine under the water's surface.

She preferred it so, when I offered her some securities years ago, and it has always been so. Her bank account receives a monthly check; she sends all her household bills to my secretary, Fox. He O. K's and pays them. Consequently, she is not able to act in this matter, and I think she is glad of it! I believe she would regret the the inevitable estrangement as much as I."

Except by keeping quiet and learning, and wanting truth more than anything else. 'It sounds a dull life, Arthur. Rather like K's, in her old laboratory. 'Yes, rather like K's. Not dull; no. Finding things out can't be dull. 'Well, old thing, go and find things out. But come back in time for the wedding, and then we'll see what next. Jane was not seriously alarmed.

Obituaries on ice, as it were. A photograph or an item concerning a great man, a celebrated, beauty or some notorious rogue; from the king calibre down to Gyp-the-Blood brand, all indexed and laid away against the instant need. So, running her finger tip down the K's, Kitty found Karlov.

Great chiefs who had brought siKs or seven hundred fighting men into the field, did not think it fair that they should be outvoted by gentlemen from Ireland and from the Low Kountries, who bore indeed King James's Kommission, and were Kalled Kolonels and Kaptains, but who were Kolonels without regiments and Kaptains without Kompanies." A moment of FV in all this world of K's!

Britton as to the general identity of character in the whole set of signatures?" "Yes," he replied. "I should certainly have put them down as being all the signatures of one person. The variations are very slight. The later signatures are a little stiffer, a little more shaky and indistinct, and the B's and k's are both appreciably different from those in the earlier ones.

Why, you spell the word cork with two k's in it.... Yes, gentlemen, he would go on, with all the fire of conviction, turning to the bystanders, 'Sergei Sergeitch spells it not cork, but kork. And every one present would laugh, though probably not one of them was conspicuous for special accuracy in orthography, while the luckless Sergei Sergeitch held his tongue, and with a faint smile bowed his head.

An instantaneous indignation against Doctor Keene set the face of the speechless apothecary on fire, and this, being as instantaneously comprehended by the philosophe, was the best of introductions. Yet her gaze did not change. The Congo negress broke the spell with a bristling protest, all in African b's and k's, but hushed and drew off at a single word of command from her mistress.

"That's the precise bearing of the one you mean, Flix; but this isn't that one at all, at all," said the captain with a long gape. "Then it must be this one." "The word is spelled with two k's." "That's a hard k'se; but where do you get them in?" The captain spelled the word with another gape, for he had not slept a wink during the night; and Louis advised him to turn in at once.