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They came to the house of Julienne's father and received his welcome and his goods, but their song was interrupted by a cry of distress Lizon was among the maskers, and Julienne was gone. A crowd of villagers ran to the cabaret and rescued the girl from the room into which the fellow had thrust her, but it was too late she had lost her reason.

There was one in especial a slight, well-made fellow about twenty, with a white turban cleaner than the rest who contrived to cast wonderful glances from the masthead over the barrier at Rosette, who actually smiled in return at ce pauvre garcon, and smiled the more for Mademoiselle Julienne's indignation.

New biographical details concerning Jean Antoine Watteau (1684-1721) may never be forthcoming, though theories of his enigmatic personality and fascinating art will always find exponents. Our knowledge of Watteau is confined to a few authorities: the notes in D'Argenville's Abrégé de la Vie des Plus Fameux Peintres; Catalogue Raisonné, by Gersaint; Julienne's introduction to the Life of Watteau by Count de Caylus discovered by the Goncourts and published in their brilliant study of eighteenth-century art. Since then have appeared monographs, études, and articles by Cellier, Mollet, Hanover, Dohme, Müntz, Séailles, Claude Phillips, Charles Blanc, Virgile Joez, F. Staley, Téodor de Wyzewa, and Camille Mauclair. Mauclair is the latest and one of the most interesting commentators, his principal contribution being De Watteau

He almost dragged the younger man away, hurrying him toward the sled and its broad-backed old horses. "We must go to the cabin, oui yes! Hurry " Houston saw that he was trembling. "Eet is the thing I look for the thing I look for!" "Ba'tiste! What do you mean?" "My Julienne," came hoarsely. "Eet is my Julienne's!"

Here Idoine unconsciously looked at him with inexpressible love, and his eyes met hers. "Idoine," said he, "I have that heart still; it is unhappy, but unstained." Then Idoine hid herself quickly and passionately in Julienne's bosom, and said, scarcely audibly, "Julienne, if Albano rightly knows me, then be my sister!" "I do know thee, holy being!" said Albano, and clasped his bride to his bosom.

They came to the house of Julienne's father and received his welcome and his goods, but their song was interrupted by a cry of distress Lizon was among the maskers, and Julienne was gone. A crowd of villagers ran to the cabaret and rescued the girl from the room into which the fellow had thrust her, but it was too late she had lost her reason.