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"And I will show you why," he cried, seizing his dagger and rapping its hilt violently on Juana's door as he shouted, "Open! open! open! Juana!" Juana did not open, for she needed time to conceal Montefiore. She knew nothing of what was passing in the salon; the double portieres of thick tapestry deadened all sounds. "Madame, I lied to you in saying I could not find the key.

Close the door, Don Ransom, and I will speak. I see in your face that you know." An hour Ranse spent behind Tia Juana's closed door. As he was on his way back to the house Curly called to him from the wagon-shed. The tramp sat on his cot, swinging his feet and smoking. "Say, sport," he grumbled. "This is no way to treat a man after kidnappin' him.

Close the door, Don Ransom, and I will speak. I see in your face that you know." An hour Ranse spent behind Tia Juana's closed door. As he was on his way back to the house Curly called to him from the wagon-shed. The tramp sat on his cot, swinging his feet and smoking. "Say, sport," he grumbled. "This is no way to treat a man after kidnappin' him.

Nothing disturbed Juana's happiness that night, and she fell asleep with a sigh of content, and a heart lightened of all fear and anxiety. The next morning Diego went to work in the garden not far from the house, leaving Juana busy with her domestic duties.

Tia Juana's no beggar, to be insulted with alms. She's proud; some of the half-breeds are, when the strain is strong enough." "I didn't know," Thode responded humbly. "I'd like to do something for the kid. Shall I send a doctor out, if I can find one?" The girl shook her head. "He'll do, all right.

She determined to obey her mother's prayer, and cross the desert of life to reach God's heaven, knowing well that no flowers grew for her along the way of that painful journey. She married Diard. As for the quartermaster, though he had no grace in Juana's eyes, we may well absolve him. He loved her distractedly.

"'Four hundred miles!" repeated Sallie. "What have you taken into your head now? There's nothing within four hundred miles o' Limasito!" Billie regarded her with an enigmatic smile. "There's a dream to bring true!" she said slowly. "That is Tia Juana's; she's going with me. And there's a start to be made on something I've set out to do, and this journey is the first step of the way.

Again, it was asserted that on one occasion, soon after Juana's return to Flanders from the place of her imprisonment, she gave unmistakable signs of insanity in the course of a court quarrel.

"Juana looked pale last night," said the Ensign after a pause. The Major did not dispute the fact, though he could not, for the life of him, see what the state of Juana's complexion had to do with the subject. "She never liked that dingy Spanish lover of hers," said the Ensign, "and her father intends she shall marry him in a month. 'Twould make her miserable for life."

I don't write Spanish myself, but I have boys here on the ranch who do. One of them, if I remember rightly, wrote the answer at the request of Juana's mother. If my memory hasn't failed me entirely, the parents objected to being separated from their only daughter. You know how that is among your people; and I never like to interfere in family matters. But from what I hear Don Blas has a rival now.