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"Ah, indeed!" said the monarch, with calm grey eyes still fixed on vacancy, "I do not know anyone of that name! Permit me to admire that exquisite arrangement of flowers!" and, smiling affably on the astonished and embarrassed lady, he led her aside, altogether away from Jost's vicinity.

"Credentials!" exclaimed Jost; "Do you suppose I would have received him at all had credentials been lacking? Not I! He brought me the most sure and confidential sign of your trust that could be produced your own signet-ring!" The Marquis staggered back, as though Jost's words had been so many direct blows on the chest, his countenance turned a livid white.

The woman was an aunt of Jost's, and had known better days when her husband was alive; but now she had fallen into poverty, and had grown sour and bitter, and would have nothing to do with the rest of the world. Blasi worked his way to her hut, through the deep, pathless snow. As he approached the door, he took the letter from his pocket, and looked at the address.

'Public opinion' had to be formed on Jost's humour; otherwise it was no opinion at all. A few other newspapers led a precarious existence in offering a daily feeble opposition to Jost; but they had not cash enough to carry on the quarrel. Jost secured all the advertisers, and as a natural consequence of this, could well afford to be the 'voice of the people' ad libitum.

Several leading articles written in favour of a Jesuit settlement in the country, had appeared constantly in Jost's largest and most widely circulated newspaper, and the last of these 'leaders, had concluded with the assertion that though his Majesty, the King, had at first refused the portion of Crown-lands needed by the Society for building, he had now 'graciously' re-considered the situation, and had been pleased to revoke his previous decision.

Jost's own hands. Trust no one to deliver it. Ask to see him personally, and then give it to him. You understand?" "Yes, Excellency." His note thus despatched, the Marquis threw himself down in his arm- chair, and again read Jost's mysterious communication. "Whatever messenger has passed himself off as coming from me, Jost must have been crazy to receive him without credentials," he said.

Leroy gave a careless nod of acquiescence, then glancing round the room, up at the clock, and down again to Jost's desk, strewn with letters and documents of every description, he smiled a little to himself, and followed the all-powerful editor into the smaller adjoining apartment. The door closed behind them both, and Jost turned the key in the lock from within.

Should anything by chance happen to get into his own special journal, or into any of the other journals connected with Jost, which Jost did not approve of, or which might be damaging to Jost's social or financial interests, the editor in charge was severely censured; if the fault occurred again he was promptly dismissed.

First to the Tetzels to teach the young ones a madrigal to sing for Master Jost's fiftieth birthday. And they count on your help and your brother's, sweet Mistress. Well, children, be happy while it is yet time!"

For might not this unknown man, Leroy, if he were, as he possibly was, a friend of the King's go to the full length of declaring all he knew and all he had learned from Jost's own lips, concerning certain 'financial secrets, which if fully disclosed, would utterly dismember the Government and put the nation itself in peril? Might he not already even have informed the King?