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But oh, Turly, poor Jocko's knees are cut, for he slipped in the frost and I let him down." "Never mind! They'll come all right again," said Turly. "Lally will look after him." "We may as well hurry up then," said Reilly, "if I'm ever to get on the road again with my load of turf."

"Ne quid nimis now," said Vincent, gravely, instead of endeavouring to soothe the afflicted party, who grew into a towering passion. Nothing but Jocko's absolute disgrace could indeed have saved his life from the vengeance of the sufferer. "Where shall we banish him?" said Vincent.

"I know he was killed!" she said; "and what with Jocko's knees and everything I can't bear it. I wonder if Turly would come down and sit with me; that is if my hour isn't up." Alas! the pitiless old clock informed her that she had still at least half an hour of penance to undergo. Perceiving this she stole up softly to the nursery. "Turly, dear! Are you there, Turly?"

"Oh!" groaned Terry; "and must I go home straight with Jocko's knees broken, and without the eggs?" "An' thankful you ought to be to get there," said the carter, "you an' the pony, without any bones broken. But how do you think you're goin' to get home itself, now, missy?" "You're the unkindest person I ever knew," said Terry. "I didn't think there was so unkind a man in the world.

You should only have seen him walking up and down the quarter-deck, or on the bridge by Tom's side, he looked for all the world like a juvenile "reefer!" It was in the cabin, however, that Jocko's acquirements came out in the strongest relief.

"Ne quid nimis now," said Vincent, gravely, instead of endeavouring to soothe the afflicted party, who grew into a towering passion. Nothing but Jocko's absolute disgrace could indeed have saved his life from the vengeance of the sufferer. "Where shall we banish him?" said Vincent.

"I accept your apology, and forgive the joke which I enjoyed, I believe, more than you did, having discovered Master Jocko's identity from the first moment when he took his Turkish fez off to salute me in the cabin, on my entering you young rascal!

After a great deal of persuasion, I got him to indite a letter of apology to the admiral, detailing all Jocko's perfections, and how he had been constantly an inmate of his cabin; while assuring him that the passing off the monkey as a "foreigner" had not been a planned thing, but was only the result of an accident and his own unaccountable love of fun, although the falsehood he had been guilty of was most reprehensible.

The monkey cried, too, in concert, and then a young man rushed in to the rescue. But Jocko's blood was up, and, leaping to the young man's shoulder, he tore off his straw hat and began to pull it to bits. Then, with the hat still in his possession, he made a leap to the tree and joined his brother at the top. By this time the uproar was general, and it seemed to anger the bear still more.

Hence, the chaplain's temporal necessity was Jocko's opportunity.